Staff Development Emergency Operations 1 PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEE/ VOLUNTEER CONDUCT
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Define professional/appropriate staff to offender relationship Identify the characteristics of a good role model Define unprofessional/inappropriate staff to offender relationship 2
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Identify 3 examples of consequences to staff for improper relationships with offenders Identify 5 communication Dos of staff to offender supervision Identify 8 communication Donts of staff to offender supervision 3
4 Professional Employee Conduct Established when the employee completes all assigned duties and responsibilities of their post, while maintaining authority over the offender in a rational, objective, fair manner that does not demean the offender
5 Characteristics of a Good Role Model Professionalism Good reputation Depersonalizing Confidence
A belief that what one is doing is important and specialized. This belief is then reflected in an attitude that is positive and productive in the work setting. 6 Definition of a Professional
Unprofessional Conduct 7 The employee or volunteer fails to complete their assigned duties and responsibilities The employee or volunteer tries to complete their assignments but does so in a manner that is abusive, overly familiar or overly friendly
Unprofessional/Inappropriate Staff or Volunteer Conduct Using vulgar language, curse words Romantic contact Sexual contact Contact outside the regular performance of his/her duties Giving or receiving letters, money, phone calls or anything not authorized by policy Indecent exposure 8
Unprofessional/Inappropriate Staff or Volunteer Conduct Failure to enforce facility rules and regulations Failure to report rule violations Talking about personal matters with an offender/student Showing favoritism toward an offender Doing favors for an offender or having them do favors for you Physical abuse 9
Myths No reports = No incidents Cross gender supervision = Sexual misconduct Offenders give consent Code of Silence cant be overcome Male staff involved with female offenders Informing offenders about policy = False reporting/allegations Rookies = Incidents 10
Myths Offenders set up staff, staff are the real victims Little physical evidence only leads to he said/she said Prosecutors wont prosecute so why investigate Officers/custody staff are the only ones involved in sexual misconduct Some offenders arent in a facility long enough for misconduct to occur 11
Sexualized Work Environment Verbal & nonverbal communication Dress Demeanor Open discussion about off duty activities, nicknames, jokes Harassment Permissive behaviors 12
Consequences to Department Legal Security 13 Investigation Liability Indictments Accountability Assaults Less Teamwork Manipulation Social Image Less Productivity Morale
Consequences to Staff Personal Sanctions Informal Consequences 14 Demotion Resignation Transfer Corrective Action Termination Prison Fines Peer Disapproval Offender Disapproval Legal Consequences Criminal Prosecution Civil Liability
Consequences to Family 15 Embarrassment Reduced Self Esteem Separation/Divorce Compromised Safety Financial Loss Loss of Respect
… and policy which governs conduct with offenders and students: Indiana Code Sec. (a) (b) & (c) Code of Conduct State and IDOC Ethics Code 16 State Laws
Mission …Provide a safe and humane environment for staff, offenders, and students… 17
Characteristics of Staff or Volunteers… …who engage in inappropriate conduct: Narcissistic Personalities Rescuers Situationally Distressed 18
19 Preventing, Stopping, Protecting Yourself… Do not get personally involved with an offender or student!
20 Communication Dos Be firm, fair and consistent Be polite (business-like), not friendly Be strict and consistent about offenders and students following the rules Follow through on appropriate offender or student requests Be a good listener
21 Communication Donts Resort to offender/student language Discuss personal matters Discuss staff, or other offenders/students Promise confidence or secrecy
22 Communication Donts Address offenders/students by their first names or allow offenders/students to address you by your first name Show favoritism Engage in lengthy discussions not related to your role
23 Twelve Behaviors to Avoid… 1.Looking forward to seeing a particular offender/student when you arrive at the facility 2.Doing things with an offender/student that you wouldnt want your family or supervisor to know about 3.Being hesitant to have a supervisor observe your behavior during an activity 4.Talking about personal matters during program 5.Asking an offender/student for a personal favor 6.Receiving personal advise from an offender or student
24 Twelve Behaviors to Avoid… 7.Saying anything to an offender or student you wouldnt want recorded 8.Having sexual fantasies about an offender or student 9. Believing you have the right to touch an offender/student for reasons other than delineated in the use of force policy 10. Looking forward to sharing good or bad news with an offender or student 11. Thinking that offenders/students are not allowed to say no to you no matter what the request may be 12. Allowing offenders or students to talk about sexual experiences, fantasies, or tell sexual jokes in your presence
25 You have completed the module on Professional Employee/ Volunteer Conduct! If you have any questions, review the module again. Please proceed to the next module! Staff Development Emergency Operations