1 Welcome to EQ2440 Project in Wireless Communication EQ2435 Wireless Communication-Business EQ2430 Project Course in Signal Processing and Digital Communication Kick-off Meeting February 14, 2014 Per Zetterberg School of Electrical Engineering
2 Program Who are we? Introduction to the course. Presentation of the projects. Application form. /
3 Who are we? Per Zetterberg Course responsible Nima Moghadam, PhD student Martin Ohlsson, Android Guru Senay Negusse, Phd student Sebastian Schiessl TA, PhD Student Eshan Olfat TA, PhD Student Arun Venkitaraman, TA, PhD Student
4 Course Facts Credits: 12. Grade: ECTS. A-F. Group work. Number of students per group 3-7 (mostly 4-6). You choose among a set of “eligible” projects. You tell us about your skills. We form groups and assign a leader. One Project assistant per group. Course responsible: Per Zetterberg. Prototype responsible: You! Goals and time-table are specified, how to achieve this is up to the team.
5 Real-time based projects Real-time processing on smart-phone or Ubuntu PC. Receiving data from sensors (e.g. A/D converters) transmitting data on actuators (e.g. D/A converters). Presentation on of results on screen. The signal processing in real-time is one of the major challenges due to the resulting code/algorithm structure and computational-time constaints. Group member roles: Programmer. Matlab/theory developer. Group leader/generalist.
6 Areas groups will work with Algorithms (Matlab). Project management. Reports (Word or LaTeX) Coding (Eclipse or emacs) Web-pages. Oral presentation (PowerPoint) Setting up experiments, connecting cables. Integrating. Debugging, debugging, debugging. Project management: project leader. Smartphone-programming (android, eclipse) PC-programming (gcc-realtime) Experiments. Some will work with
7 Smartphone/android based projects Display : plots and text. Camera Microphone. Loudspeaker. Magnetometer Wifi RSSI measurements. Send data using Wifi. Acceloremeters. Gyros. Touch screen. Features used in our projects:
8 USRP based projects USRP = Universal Software Radio Peripheral Used to transmit and receive wideband (4-8MHz) signals over real radio transmitters and receivers. Matlab interface to download and upload I&Q samples for off-line development. Real-time implementations are the goal. The signals are distorted by real-world RF-impairments (non-linearities, intersymbol-interference, phase-noise, frequency offset).
9 What would be your advice to a student who chooses this course next year ? Don’t choose another course at the same period. Start really early with everything. Start working from the beginning Work hard in the beginning and try to ease up in the end Work hard in the beginning of the project Start working from the first day, and don’t take more than a week off, during the Easter Choose it, but take it alone, with nothing else. Work work work. Take the course if you like to work hard. Start early. Implement on DSP asap. Don’t read other courses in parallel Take it!
10 Eligible Projects 1.In-flight file-transfer using 3mm-cable 2.Teleconference with noise cancellation 3.Smart-phone multi-channel sound 4.Wireless transmission at 60GHz
11 Project #1:In-flight file-transfer using 3mm-cable File-transfer on airline -no radio allowed! Use loudspeaker and microphone Use a 3-mm cable between the phones. Push the data rate to the limit. Challenging modulation and coding problem!
12 Project #2: Teleconference with noise (interference) cancellation Conference room Internet t Talk Noise Interference cancellation! Adaptive signal processing!
13 Project #3:Smart-phone multi- channel sound And IIII will always love youuu ….. Bittersweet memories
14 Project #3:Smart-phone multi- channel sound And IIII will always love youuu ….. Estimate delays Timing advance (TA) orders over internet TA
15 Project #4:Wireless Transmission over 60GHz 60GHz = mm wave. High frequencies => high data rates. 5G research. Synchronization Modulation/demodulation Coding Phase noise USRP 60GHz USRP 60GHz
16 Project Application Form Deadline February 20th. Name, project choice, skills. Group formation by March 17. Project manager assigned (group can request change). More information on projects on course homepage: Sign the participant list and fill in your . See you March 24 at in B24! /