Ex-ante evaluation for RDPs 4 th International Evaluation Conference Budapest, 26th September 2013 Zélie Peppiette, DG AGRI Rural Development Evaluation Manager
Legal Proposals: where and what? 1.In addition to the CPR Requirements (Article 48) 2.there are additional requirements for the EAFRD
Legal Proposals: where and what? 1.EAFRD Regulation Article 83 Evaluations to conform to common EAFRD evaluation approach MS to ensure provision of necessary data Evaluations to be made public
Legal Proposals: where and what? EAFRD Regulation Article 84 Evaluator to be engaged from an early stage of RDP development Ex-ante to cover SWOT and needs analysis, intervention logic and targets
Legal Proposals: where and what? EAFRD Regulation Article 9 Inclusion of the ex ante in the RDP: Full report as an annex Section in RDP covering process and recommendations
Key points EAFRD goes beyond CPR Comprehensive list of tasks foreseen Appraisal goes beyond programme content To achieve objective, needs to be an iterative, interactive process BUT RDP is owned by MA, not evaluator: distinct roles/boundaries required
7 Ex ante guidance document… "Getting the most from your RDP" draft until the legal acts are approved; can be downloaded from the „Our Publications“ section on ation ation Introduction
Structure of the guidelines 8 Part II: Mainly for Evaluators Subjects and tasks PART II: Mai Part 1: Mainly for Managing Authorities Purpose Process Scope Part III: Toolbox Practical support Templates Introduction
Purpose: Why ex ante evaluation? 9 Matching the RDP to the needs of the area Setting the foundation for showing RDP achievements Fitting RDPs into the bigger picture PART I – Chap
The process of the ex ante evaluation and SEA 10 PART I – Chapter 2: The ex ante evaluation process
Subjects and tasks 11 1.SWOT analysis and needs assessment 2.Relevance, internal and external coherence 3.Measuring progress and outcomes 4.Governance arrangements, programme management and monitoring 5.Horizontal and specific themes 6.Strategic Environmental Assessment PART II N.B. The sequence follows the logic of the work flow and not the sequence of items cited under Art. 48.3(CPR)
SWOT should be comprehensive Establish baseline values for all common and programme- specific context and impact indicators Involvement of stakeholders SWOT and needs analysis should be interlinked Covers all focus areas 12 PART II – Chapter 1: SWOT analysis and needs assessment The SWOT analysis and needs assessment
Relevance, internal and external coherence Contribution to EU 2020 External coherence Intervention logic Contribution of outputs to results Budgetary consistency 13 PART II – Chapter 2: Relevance, external and internal coherence
Measuring progress and outcomes Programme indicators: all necessary included programme-specific where needed Values for the target indicators: present, coherent and reliable 14 PART II – Chapter 3: Measuring progress and outcomes
Governance, programme management and monitoring Human resources and administrative capacity Monitoring, data collection and the Evaluation Plan 15 PART II – Chapter 4: Governance arrangements, programme management and monitoring
Horizontal and specific themes Equal opportunities and non-discrimination Sustainable development (‘sufficient advisory capacity’): interface with SEA Thematic sub-programmes Networks LEADER (CLLD) 16 PART II – Chapter 5: Horizontal and specific themes
Strategic Environmental Assessment Close links with RDP, PC required, without losing distinct perspective Process standardized according to the SEA Directive 17 PART II – Chapter 6: Strategic Environmental Assessment
Toolbox Glossary Template ToR for ex ante evaluation Indicative ToR for Strategic Environmental Assessment Indicative number of man-days for ex ante and SEA Suggested evaluation questions Proposed table of content for the ex ante evaluation report Legal texts List of context indicators 18 PART III
Thank you! 19 PART III