Internet A Vehicle of Mass Communication and Its Impact By DR T.H. CHOWDARY * Director, Center for Telecom Management & Studies Chairman, Pragna Bharati (Intellect India), Andhra Pradesh Fellow: Tata Consultancy Service Ltd. * Former Information Technology Adviser, Government of A.P Chairman & Managing Director Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd., Bombay T: +91 (40) (O) ® F: +91 (40) (O) IETE, New Delhi 7 Nov2013
The Beginnings ARPA (1958) & DARPA (1972) The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was established in 1958 to prevent strategic surprise from negatively impacting U.S. national security and create strategic surprise for U.S. adversaries by maintaining the technological superiority of the U.S. military. S703_Nov2013
Technology for Indestructible Communication Digitisation, packet Switching, Alternative telecom transmission highways ( coaxial; m/w radio ; optical fiber and satellite) – ensuring defense communications unaffected by Nuclear War. S703_Nov2013
Internet & WWW (1) Esparanto: an universal, new language, politically neutral, common to all humans of all nations, proposed by a Russian, zamenhof in July 1867; 1 st World congress in France 1905 – not successful TCP-IP is the “language” which all devices connected to the Internet, use to interwork Machine s have a common “language” Humans do not have S703_Nov2013
Internet & WWW (2) Internet of Machines evolves into Internet of Things IPV#4 uses 32 bit addresses allows app. 4.3 billion addresses IPV #6 uses 128 bit addresses; allows 3.4 X addresses ( >7.9 X times IPV4) S703_Nov2013
Internet &WWW (3) WWW Invented by Sir Timothy John Berners Lee while working in CERN; Geneva in March – November 1989 Did not patent it; Knowledge must be freely shared – the ancient Indian ideal S703_Nov2013
GALLOPING KNOWLEDGE By the time the child born today graduates from college, the amount of knowledge will be four times as great By the time he is 50, it will be 32 times as great And 97% of everything known in the world will have been learnt since that child was born The memorising of reams of facts will not be necessary; they will be quickly available on computers. Search engines like Google will get them for you in a second, But future man will need great wisdom if only to know what is it he wants If the paper so used can cover the earth’s surface six (6) times!
Armament of Knowledge Knowledge will forever govern ignorance and people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives. – James Madison (Inscription at the entrance to the Library of Congress) S703_Nov2013
Internet -8th Wonder Post office, Telephone, Broadcast studio, Soap Box, Auction House, Sound Recording, Movie theater, Used car showroom, Insurance Office, Distributor ware house, studio for fashion designer, University Class Room…, Political Campaign, Medical Diagnostics, Mammoth Library; market place; Mall; Town Hall; vehicle for governance; Social networks; Citizen journlaism…. Over 5 bln out of 7.5 of world’s population uses the Internet S703_Nov2013
Social Networks/Media Face book YouTube LinkedIn Twitter Wikipedia Twitter Blogs Google S703_Nov2013
Social Networks/Media Social presence, Media richness, Self presentation, self disclosure, Whistle-blowing (Julian Asange (Wiki Leaks); Edward Snowden) Shaming the Corrupt (CVC’s Website in India) S703_Nov2013
Societal Functions collaborative projects (for example, Wikipedia)Wikipedia blogs and microblogs (for example, Twitter)Twitter content communities (for example, YouTube and DailyMotion)YouTubeDailyMotion social networking sites (for example, Facebook) virtual game-worlds (e.g., World of Warcraft)World of Warcraft virtual social worlds (e.g. Second Life)Second Life S703_Nov2013
Impact: Global Glassnost; Collapse of USSR (1) Mahatma Gorbachev allowed Internet into USSR – The Iron Curtain was torn by the Tempest of Truth from across the world within felled the USSR in S703_Nov2013
Impact: Global China Tiananmen Square (2) Normal international telecoms cut Satellite pictures of the massacre of over 3000 students demonstrating for freedom of speech and organisation were circulated globally on the Internet, shaming Chinese Government’s brutality S703_Nov2013
Impact :Global The Arab Spring (3) The Arab Spring is a term for the revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests (both non- violent and violent), riots, and civil wars in the Arab world that began on 18 December The demonstrations and government ‘s actions circulated on the Internet, leading to the success of the revolution ( Contrast: Hungary’s Spring 1956 & Czechoslovakia's velvet Revolution (17 to 29 Dec 1989) were suppressed for want of international outrage. S703_Nov2013
Impact-Indian Movement Build-up Anna Hazare Ram Dev Arvind Kejriwal Narendra Modi eg: Na Mo for P.M S703_Nov2013
Impact : Some Significant Sectors E-commerce Amazon Flipkart e-Bay e-gov Just-in-time inventory E-learning Internet ‘varsity- Phoenix (Arizona- USA) 400,000 Students S703_Nov2013
Impact: Beneficent Learning-Phoenix, Internet, varsity Research-Archiving Money Transfers- RTGS Decline of Post Citizen journalism (ABN-Channel) Family get together over distance-keeping in touch Opinion polling: e-ballots Accelerated change/evolution Eavesdropping – Snowden Whistle Blowing Individual Empowered Global market within reach of the SMEs; individuals Working from home (India has 6 mln SMEs & 30/40,000 Mes) S703_Nov2013
Impact: Malevolent Addiction Impairment of memory Impairment of concentration Pornography Terrorism Fraud Hacking Cyber war Plagiarism – Ph.Ds; thesis Unsocial behaviour by pubic use in Lifts, waiting rooms, trains, buses, walking, driving Sting operations; black-mail Decline of writing, reading (notes) talaaq S703_Nov2013
Dhanyawad: Thank You S703_Nov2013