Various Incarnations - 4 Canto 1 Chapter 3 Text 20-23
avatāre ṣ o ḍ aśame paśyan brahma-druho n ṛ pān tri ḥ -sapta-k ṛ tva ḥ kupito ni ḥ -k ṣ atrām akaron mahīm In the sixteenth incarnation of the Godhead, the Lord [as Bh ṛ gupati] annihilated the administrative class [k ṣ atriyas] twenty-one times, being angry with them because of their rebellion against the brāhma ṇ as [the intelligent class]. Text 20
The k ṣ atriyas, or the administrative class of men, are expected to rule the planet by the direction of the intelligent class of men, who give direction to the rulers in terms of the standard śāstras, or the books of revealed knowledge. Whenever there is disobedience on the part of the k ṣ atriyas, or the administrative class, against the orders of the learned and intelligent brāhma ṇ as, the administrators are removed by force from the posts, and arrangement is made for better administration. Parashuram/Bh ṛ gupati incarnation
Parashurama killing King Kartavirya Arjuna.
tata ḥ saptadaśe jāta ḥ satyavatyā ṁ parāśarāt cakre veda-taro ḥ śākhā d ṛṣṭ vā pu ṁ so 'lpa-medhasa ḥ Thereafter, in the seventeenth incarnation of Godhead, Śrī Vyāsadeva appeared in the womb of Satyavatī through Parāśara Muni, and he divided the one Veda into several branches and subbranches, seeing that the people in general were less intelligent. Text 21
Originally the Veda is one. But Śrīla Vyāsadeva divided the original Veda into four, namely Sāma, Yajur, Ṛ g, Atharva, and then again they were explained in different branches like the Purā ṇ as and the Mahābhārata. The present age of Kali is full of ignorant men. Even those who are born by a brāhma ṇ a father are, in the present age, no better than the śūdras or the women. The twice-born men, namely the brāhma ṇ as, k ṣ atriyas and vaiśyas, are expected to undergo a cultural purificatory process known as sa ṁ skāras, but because of the bad influence of the present age the so-called members of the brāhma ṇ a and other high-order families are no longer highly cultured. They are called the dvija-bandhus, or the friends and family members of the twice-born. But these dvija-bandhus are classified amongst the śūdras and the women. Śrīla Vyāsadeva divided the Vedas into various branches and subbranches for the sake of the less intelligent classes like the dvija-bandhus, śūdras and women. Vyasadeva incarnations
Narada Muni instructing Vyasadeva
nara-devatvam āpanna ḥ sura-kārya-cikīr ṣ ayā samudra-nigrahādīni cakre vīryā ṇ y ata ḥ param In the eighteenth incarnation, the Lord appeared as King Rāma. In order to perform some pleasing work for the demigods, He exhibited superhuman powers by controlling the Indian Ocean and then killing the atheist King Rāva ṇ a, who was on the other side of the sea. Text 22
The Personality of Godhead Śrī Rāma assumed the form of a human being and appeared on the earth for the purpose of maintaining the order of the universe. To annihilate the demons like Rāva ṇ a who acted with a spirit of challenging the established order of the Lord. For example, the attempt to fly to other planets by material means is a challenge to the established order. The conditions of each and every planet are different, but, puffed up by tiny success in material advancement, sometimes the godless materialists challenge the existence of God. Rāva ṇ a was one of them, and he wanted to deport ordinary men to the planet of Indra (heaven) by material means without consideration of the necessary qualifications. He even challenged the authority of Śrī Rāma, the Personality of Godhead, and kidnapped His wife, Sītā. King Rāma incarnation
Ravan in disguise stealing Sita Ravan’s death Lakshman, Ram, Sita & Hanuman
ekonavi ṁ śe vi ṁ śatime v ṛṣṇ i ṣ u prāpya janmanī rāma-k ṛṣṇ āv iti bhuvo bhagavān aharad bharam In the nineteenth and twentieth incarnations, the Lord advented Himself as Lord Balarāma and Lord K ṛṣṇ a in the family of V ṛṣṇ i [the Yadu dynasty], and by so doing He removed the burden of the world. Text 23
The specific mention of the word bhagavān in this text indicates that Balarāma and K ṛṣṇ a are original forms of the Lord. Lord K ṛṣṇ a is not an incarnation of the puru ṣ a, as we learned from the beginning of this chapter. He is directly the original Personality of Godhead, and Balarāma is the first plenary manifestation of the Lord. From Baladeva the first phalanx of plenary expansions, Vāsudeva, Sa ṅ kar ṣ a ṇ a, Aniruddha and Pradyumna, expands. Lord Śrī K ṛṣṇ a is Vāsudeva, and Baladeva is Sa ṅ kar ṣ a ṇ a. Balaram & Krishna incarnation