FCAT Parent Night March 18, 2013 Science 5 th Grade
Science Background Information Development of the Sunshine State Standards (SSS) began in 1993, and the Standards were adopted by the State Board of Education in May 1996 to provide expectations for student achievement. The FCAT was originally designed to measure the reading and mathematics content defined by the Sunshine State Standards. A test measuring the science Sunshine State Standards was added to the FCAT in The FCAT is different from other tests students take in three important ways. 1.The FCAT is the only test administered in all Florida public schools that is directly linked to the Sunshine State Standards. 2.The FCAT is designed to represent the kinds of tasks and activities that parents and teachers expect as part of good instruction. 3.The FCAT demands a more in-depth understanding and application of information that is typical of many standardized tests – they require students to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and to apply strategies or procedures they have learned.
Science Content Tested The FCAT Science tests assess the achievement of the Sunshine State Standards in science. Approximately the same number of questions is used for each of the four clusters: CLUSTER 1: Physical and Chemical Sciences CLUSTER 2: Earth and Space Science CLUSTER 3: Life and Environmental Sciences CLUSTER 4: Scientific Thinking
Science Content Tested There are 4 clusters: Physical & Chemical Sciences, Earth & Space Sciences, Life & Environmental Sciences, and Scientific Thinking Each cluster accounts for 25% of the total score. Each district, school and student receives a total score and 4 cluster scores. CLUSTER 1: Physical and Chemical …….25% Strand A – The Nature of Matter Strand B – Energy Strand C – Force and Motion Strand D – Processes That Shape the Earth Strand E – Earth and Space CLUSTER 2: Earth and Science ……..… % CLUSTER 3: Life and Environmental ….….25% Strand F – Processes of Life Strand G – How Living Things Interact with Their Environment Strand H – The Nature of Science * It should be noted that while Cluster 4 is only one strand (Strand H), it still counts 25%. Strand H is integrated throughout the test in all the strands. CLUSTER 4: Scientific Thinking* ……..… %
Science Cluster 1 Physical and Chemical Sciences understands that matter can be described, classified, and compared traces the flow of energy in a system identifies the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy sources describes, predicts, and measures the types of motion and effects of forces identifies the types of force that act upon an object Students who are successful are able to Identify the appropriate tools used for measuring length, mass, weight, volume, and temperature; Identify cause-and-effect relationships in phase changes (e.g., “What happens to a solid if you heat it up?”); Identify familiar forms of energy (e.g., potential, kinetic, heat, light); Identify the force acting on an object; and Recognize situations when balance and unbalance forces are present.
Science Cluster 2 Earth and Space Sciences understands that changes in climate, geological activity, and life-forms can be traced and compared recognizes that earth’s systems change over time identifies the causes of the phases of the Moon and seasons recognizes the role of Earth in the vast universe Students who are successful are able to Identify descriptions and results of earthquakes and volcanoes; Recognize that there is a relationship between the tilt of Earth on its axis and the seasons; and Relates a planet’s distance from the Sun to the length of its year
Science Cluster 3 Life and Environmental Sciences understands that living things are different but share similar structures recognizes that many characteristics of an organism are inherited explains the relationships and interconnectedness of all living things to their environment understands that plants use carbon dioxide, minerals, and sunlight to produce food (photosynthesis) Students who are successful are able to Identify structures of familiar organisms; Identify structural adaptations in various organisms; and Recognizes that animals eat in order to obtain energy for survival.
Science Cluster 4 Scientific Thinking uses scientific method and processes to solve problems recognizes that most natural events occur in consistent patterns understands the interdependence of science, technology, and society Students who are successful are able to Identify and appropriate procedure and the need to control variables; Identify steps in the scientific method (i.e. what to do in each step of the process); and Identify cause-and-effect relationships in a given scientific experiment
Science Test Item Format The FCAT Science test for Grade 5 has three types of questions: multiple- choice, short-response, and extended-response. The multiple –choice questions require students to choose the correct answer from four possible choices. A correct answer is worth 1 point. Answers to the short- and extended-response problems can receive full or partial credit. Answering these questions even when not sure of the correct answer may help get a portion of the points. This symbol appears next to questions that require short written answers. Use about 5 minutes to answer each of these questions. A complete and correct answer to each of these questions is worth 2 points. A partially correct answer is worth 1 point. READ INQUIRE EXPLAIN READ INQUIRE EXPLAIN This symbol appears next to questions that require longer written answers. Use about 10 to 15 minutes to answer these questions. A complete and correct answer to each of these questions is worth 4 points. A partially correct answer is worth 1, 2, or 3 points.
The animals shown below live in the swampy, wooded areas of Florida. How would the animals shown above be connected in a food web? Explain your answer using words or a labeled diagram. raccoon alligator spider fly frog At the park, Matthew has collected 20 pill bugs from under rocks, logs, boards, and bricks. Matthew wants to conduct an investigation to find out if pill bugs prefer moist areas or dry areas. Design a procedure Matthew could follow to test whether pill bugs prefer moist areas or dry areas. Pill bug Science Question Samples multiple-choiceshort-responseextended-response Meliss a’s scho ol rings a bell to alert stude nts that it is time to start class. Whe n the bell rings, it vibrat es. The use of vibrat ions to send mess ages is an exam ple of whic h type of ener gy? A che mical B heat C light D soun d
Annually Assessed Benchmarks SC.A The student determines that the properties of materials (e.g., density and volume) can be compared and measured (e.g., using rulers, balances, and thermometers). SC.A The student knows that different materials are made by physically combining substances and that different objects can be made by combining different materials. SC.B The student knows how to trace the flow of energy in a system (e.g., as in an ecosystem). SC.B The student recognizes various forms of energy (e.g., heat, light, and electricity). ( Also assesses B.1.2.4) SC.C The student knows that the motion of an object is determined by the overall effect of all of the forces acting on the object. (Also assesses C.2.2.2) SC.D The student knows that the surface of the Earth is in a continuous state of change as waves, weather, and shifts of the land constantly change and produce many new features. (Also assesses D.1.2.1, D.1.2.2, D.1.2.5) SC.E The student knows that the tilt of the Earth on its own axis as it rotates and revolves around the sun causes changes in season, length of day, and energy available. SC.F The student knows that living things are different but share similar structures.
Annually Assessed Benchmarks SC.G The student knows that living things compete in a climatic region with other living things and that structural adaptations make them fit for an environment. SC.G The student knows that green plants use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight energy to turn minerals and nutrients into food for growth, maintenance, and reproduction. SC.G The student knows that all living things must compete for Earth’s limited resources; organisms best adapted to compete for the available resources will be successful and pass their adaptations (traits) to their offspring. (Also assesses B.2.2.2, B.2.2.3) SC.H The student knows that it is important to keep accurate records and descriptions to provide information and clues on causes of discrepancies in repeated experiments. SC.H The student knows that a successful method to explore the natural world is to observe and record, and then analyze and communicate the results. (Also assesses H.1.2.4, H.3.2.2) SC.H The student understands that people, alone or in groups, invent new tools to solve problems and do work that affects aspects of life outside of science. (Also assesses H.3.2.3) SC.H The student knows that through the use of science processes and knowledge, people can solve problems, make decisions, and form new ideas.
Science Test Preparation The FCAT Science is a test of content knowledge and its application.
Science Test Preparation Students must be able to apply scientific concepts, vocabulary and process skills (observation, classification, measurement, sequencing, using numbers, predicting, hypothesizing, gathering data, recording data, analyzing data, comparing and contrasting, formulating models, making inferences, making conclusions, communicating information).
Science Test Preparation Having the knowledge is not enough. Students must be able to apply the knowledge and concepts in their daily lives!
Science Helpful Testing Hints Learn how to answer each kind of question: multiple- choice, short-response, and extended-response. Read each question carefully. Pay attention to key words like not, but, except, always, never, and only. Answer the questions you are sure about first. If a question seems to difficult, skip it and go back to it later … often information in a later question can be used to answer an earlier question.
Science Helpful Testing Hints Think positively. Some questions may seem hard, but you may be able to figure out what to do if you reread the question carefully. Use the process of elimination to find answers. Cross out those choices that you know are wrong. Think twice before changing an answer ; your first guess is usually the correct one. Relax. Some people get nervous about tests. It’s natural. Just do your best!
Science Practice Resources Florida Department of Education / FCAT sample test and answer keys FCAT Explorer Science Station / helps students learn about and practice the skills tested on the FCAT Science FCAT Elementary Science Dailies / practice the skills tested on the FCAT Science Soaring into FCAT Science / supports files from BECON program Jefferson Lab / science vocabulary hangman game Harcourt School / practice FCAT assessments Internet 4 Classrooms / 5 th grade science performance skills practice
FCAT Explorer Science Station
FCAT Explorer Science Station Interactive Practice Program FCAT-like practice on all FCAT-tested strands and benchmarks Reinforces important science concepts Available at no cost to all Florida public schools Accessible from any computer connected to the Internet
FCAT Explorer Science Station Interactive Practice Program Science vocabulary instruction on key terms Instructional feedback for every answer choice Remedial lessons on every annually assessed benchmark
FCAT Explorer Science Station FCT-Like Practce FCAT-like practice on all tested strands and benchmarks A: Nature of Matter B: Energy C: Force and Motion D: Processes that Shape the Earth E: Earth and Space F: Processes of Life G: How Living Things Interact with Their Environment H: Scientific Thinking MC item in Strand G: Life and Environmental 215 FCAT-like practice items 125 Multiple Choice (MC) 45 Context Dependent (CD) 24 Short Response (SR) 6 Extended Response (ER) 15 Open Response (OR)
Links directly to items answered incorrectly Helps students focus on skill improvement Displays corresponding strand FCAT Explorer Science Station Special Learning Features