By James Christian Rocco
This had all started billions of years ago. The universe was created by a big bang that started everything. We had evolved on a planet called earth and we are now killing our planet through history.
After the Glacier Age, many glaciers drifted away from the ice caps and caused them to melt. This made the world’s sea level rise. In turn, more plants grew and the animal population increased. Plant and animal life expectancy was also longer because they had more water.
The first change to the environment could benefit for the good or bad, this was the beginning of fire. This was used to keep our species alive by giving them warmth and something to cook their food. It also had brought smoke and started forest fires which would kill the animals and plants, disturbing the balance in nature. This would bring us into the next controversial statement which was the killing of animals. This would give early man there protein and protected them to live another day and this would make many animals would go existent which would make other animals change there diets and ways of life. Next is the making of weapons. The tools they made were from the environment, this would drain things like trees and stone.
Early farmers had done a lot things for the environment and one was digging up the soil. This would help plants to grow and spout. This was a way did not involve death to animals. It also had killed the ground for their first attempts. Next would be the start of irrigation would help the earth by making more plant life and also effecting it by polluting it by putting dirt in it. The begging of planting would be a big event in early farming because it was an alternative for killing the animals and helping the earth, witch would leave animals and plants for the future generation.
In the time of Mesopotamia things had change between their people, the way people lived, but an important thing was the population had grown. This would drain the resources faster and would end up moving and doing it in a another place. Another thing would be when the group would settling in one area. This would make them get rid of the animals and clear a path for themselves. Next is when they had used silt for farm land. This was good for the soil and it would not affect the earth but, it would help it. They also started mining. This would drain the land of another resources which would also result to breaking through the earth’s surface. Also they invented the plow which would help the earth the earth by making new plants and other life but it also did not help because it use up a lot of the natural materials.
In ancient Egypt they had begun to start using the land as tools. For example: they had mad brick from sand and water. This would start to cut the level of those materials because of this. Also they started using there water for strange use by making statues with it to sere their kings and rulers. This would kill a lot of sea life for these large monuments. Finally, they were taking up space with there buildings. This would make them get rid of things or clear the area for them.
Soon after Egypt had come to a fall and new country would be on top. They would end up being enervators. They would start trading threw the sea. This would help by not destroying the sea. But, it would kill trees that were used to make boats. This would affect the oxygen supply. Next was the making of new food and drinks. These were all natural and did not involve slaughter to an animal with was good for the environment by not draining nature of it’s rescores. Also they had started finding new ways of making art. This had taken important tools in the environment to make art to make of their gods. Even this was good to help to themselves but, it would start to steal the environment of recourses.
The next and one of the most powerful civilizations. This would be called Rome. They had may discovers. One of the most helpful ones is the use aqueducts. This was a form of irrigation that was used with stone. This was a natural way to get water and did not effect ecosystem. The next discovery was purifying. This was almost a beginning of recycling do to them being able to reuse water and not use it all up. The next and final was the killing animals on the battle felid this would effect the order of the chain of nature by killing off animals and almost sending them into extinction.
After all the years, all the civilizations, and all the people, we should have learned that we are killing the earth and ourselves in the process if we do not change our ways. Try and help the environment and do what you can to preserve it.