Departmental Values, Ethical Conduct, and Professionalism. Staff Development Emergency Operations
Performance Objectives Identify 12 areas detailed in the State Ethic Laws and Administrative Rules, which govern the conduct of all State employees Identify 12 expectations of Departmental staff as emphasized in the Code of Ethics 2
Performance Objectives Identify 20 topics that are found in the IDOC Standards of Conduct Identify 4 components of making ethical decisions 3
General Standards of Conduct Impartiality Proper channels Guard against private gain Avoid conflict of interest 4
Ethical Issues Gifts, Entertainment, Food, & Drink Honoraria Appearances, Activities, & Expenses Political Activity Moonlighting Conflict of Interest Compensation for Official Duties 5
Ethical Issues Confidential Information Special Terms & Benefits Use of State Property, Personnel, Time Post-Employment Restrictions Nepotism 6
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall maintain high standards of honesty, integrity, and impartiality free from any personal considerations, favoritism, or partisan demands in connection with my duties. 7
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall be courteous, considerate, and prompt when dealing with the public, realizing that as state employees and employees of the Department, we serve the public. 8
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall maintain mutual respect and professional cooperation in my relationships with staff members of the Department of Correction. 9
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall be firm, fair, and consistent in the performance of my duties and shall not allow my personal convictions, beliefs, prejudices, or biases to interfere with my official acts or decisions. 10
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall uphold the provisions of the United States Constitution, the Constitution of the State of Indiana, federal and state laws, rules and regulations, and the policies and procedures of the Department. 11
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall conduct myself, whether on-duty or off- duty, in a manner that will not bring dishonor or disrepute to the Department or the State of Indiana. 12
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall maintain the confidentiality of any information entrusted to me and designated as confidential. 13
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall not use my position with the Department for personal gain. 14
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall not discriminate against any person, including offenders, other staff persons, or the public, in any manner on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, physical or mental disability. 15
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall not accept nor solicit, from anyone including offenders and/or offender families or acquaintances, anything of value, including a gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, or loan, which is or may appear to be designed to influence any official conduct. 16
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall maintain the highest standards of personal hygiene, grooming, and neatness while on-duty or when representing the Department in any manner. 17
IDOC Code of Ethics I shall report any corrupt or unethical behavior that could impact upon the operation of the Department. 18
Information and Standards of Conduct IDOC Information and Standards of Conduct (Policy ) establishes information and standards of conduct for all Department staff. 19
Information and Standards of Conduct Personal Gain Conflicts of Interest Solicitation and Selling Trafficking Contact/Relationships Discrimination 20
Information and Standards of Conduct Duty to Report Use of Physical Force Use of Intoxicants Use of Tobacco Insubordination Searches Arrests/Convictions 21
Information and Standards of Conduct Dereliction of Duty Use of Slang, Derogatory References Leaving a Duty Post Confidentiality Nepotism Reporting Conduct Unbecoming 22
Groundwork for Making Ethical Decisions We all have the power to decide what we do and what we say We are responsible for the consequences of our choices 23
Components to Making Ethical Decisions Taking choices seriously Recognizing important decisions Good decisions are both ethical and effective Discernment and discipline 24
The ethical decisions you make are a reflection not only on the Department and the State, but ultimately on you. 25
26 Congratulations! You have completed the module on Departmental Values, Ethical Conduct, and Professionalism. If you have any questions, review the module again. Please proceed to the next module. Thank You! Staff Development Emergency Operations