SCAD 508 Strain Measurement System Click Here To Download Complete Information On SCAD Products EXCITATION VOLTAGESelectable from 0.5VDC to 10 VDC in steps of 0.5 VDC. All channels can have different excitation voltage INPUT CHANNELSEight Strain Gage Input Channels. (Expansion Modules upto 256 channels under development) BRIDGE CONFIGURATIONS Quarter Bridge, Half Bridge or Full Bridge for 120 Ohms, 350 Ohms and 1000 Ohms Strain Gages. The system incorporates internal bridge completion circuitry for 120 Ohms, 350 Ohms and 1000 Ohms Strain Gages. PC INTERFACEUSB. ENGINEERING UNITSEach Channel can be set for user defined engineering units via the Mx+B scaling format. SCANNING RATE8 Channels per second. GAGE FACTOR SETTINGS ; Resolution – BRIDGE FACTOR SETTING 1(Quarter Bridge), 2 or 1+ (Half Bridge), 4 or 2(1+ ) (Full Bridge) or user defined. BRIDGE BALANCEAuto Balancing of All Channels. FULL SCALE STRAIN OUTPUT Selectable: – 1250 , 2500 , 5000 , 10,000 , 25,000 , 50,000 and 1,00,000 . RESOLUTION OF THE DISPLAY UNIT 1 for a Range of 10,000 . FULL SCALE ANALOG OUTPUT +/- 10 VDC DYNAMIC RESPONSEThe Analog Output of each channel provides a Dynamic Response of DC to 50 kHz (Flat) for recording in an External recorder or Data Acquisition Card. Roll off from 50 to 150 kHz. FILTEREach Channel of SCAD 508 has a 8th Order Butterworth low pass filter. Software Selectable Cut off Frequencies 10Hz ; 100Hz ;1kHz ;5kHz ;10kHz ; 20kHz ;40kHz ; 50kHz & Wideband (filter disable). CALIBRATIONShunt calibration across the 1000 Ohms passive arm to simulate 5000 . INPUT POWER+/- 15VDC & +5VDC. 110 – 230 VAC, 50 /60 Hz Adapter supplied with the system. DIMENSIONS224 x 212 x 92 mm ( L x W x H) WEIGHT1.6 Kgs (Excluding AC Adapter)
SCAD 500 Strain Measurement System 6 Channel System – Four Strain Gage Inputs and Two Amplified Transducers Inputs. Accepts Quarter Bridge, Half Bridge and Full Bridge Strain Gage Configurations. System has built in circuitry for 120 Ohms, 350 Ohms and 1000 Ohms, Quarter and Half Bridge Strain Gage Configurations. Simultaneous Display of all 6 Channels in Microstrain or user defined Engineering Units. On Line Graphical Display of any One Channel. Peak Hold – Max / Min for all Channels. Selectable Display of Channels. Auto Zero. Gage Factor Setting from 0.1 to 99 ( 3 Decimal Digits) Excitation Voltage:- Selectable from 0 to 10 VDC in steps of 10 mV. Full Scale Strain Range:- 10,000 and 1,00,000 +/- 10VDC - Analog Output for Strain Gage input Channels. Analog Output provides a Dynamic Response of DC to 150 KHz for recording in a external Recorder or Data Acquisition System. RS 232 Interface. Click Here To Download Complete Information On SCAD Products
SCAD 500 L 2 Channel Displacement Measurement System