Slide 1 Intel ® Confidential Intel Design and Discovery Robotics Module Padraig O Murchu Education and Research Manager Corporate Affairs Group Intel Ireland
Slide 2 Intel ® Confidential Welcome to Quadrabotz
Slide 3 Intel ® Confidential Objective of Robotics Session Have Fun Discover the hardware components that make up a robot Discover the functions of Quadrabotz Program Quadrabotz to move forward Program Quadrabotz to move backward Program Quadrabotz to change gait Program Quadrabotz to beep Program Quadrabotz to detect light Program Quadrabotz to detect objects and take evasive action
Slide 4 Intel ® Confidential Anatomy of the robot Software – CD Tutorial from CD Programs: (i) move forward – simple code (ii) move backward — simple code (iii) Gait (iv) event (iv) to detect obstacle (vi) light event
Slide 5 Intel ® Confidential Hardware Components of Quadrabotz Chassis 3 motors-front middle back 4 Legs Left and right LED ( emit light ) Left and Right photodetector ( detect visible and infra red light ) Micro-controller Power source - battery packs on/off switch Piezo sounder Comms socket for PC/programming
Slide 6 Intel ® Confidential h Light Sensor Infra Red LED Sensors
Slide 7 Intel ® Confidential Loading the CD 1.Place Quadrabotz CD in CD tray 2.Autorun should start. (If not, Double Click My Computer on desktop, Right Click the CD Rom drive, Click Explore, Click Setup.exe), Click Install, percentage progress bar appears. 3.Message box: Quadrabotz (QB)is now installed. Run Program? Yes/No - Click Yes 4.Message box: Run first tutorial activity? Yes/No Click No When the activity is complete move on the step 5. 5.Examine Quadrabotz: Note battery cases, 3 motors, ON / OFF switch, cable connection port, LED and Infra Red (+ visible light) sensors and Sounder. 6.Fit batteries to Quadrabotz 7.Switch Quadrabotz on
Slide 8 Intel ® Confidential Quadrabotz Programming 1.Introduction to Software Programming 2.The Quadrabotz can be programmed in Basic. The programs are written on a PC running Windows and downloaded into the Quadrabotz through an RS232 port. 3.When the Quadrabotz is switched on and the programming cable is plugged in then the Quadrabotz waits for communications from the PC. 4.If the programming cable is unplugged then the Quadrabotz starts to execute its current program.
Slide 9 Intel ® Confidential Quadrabotz If Quadrabotz is turned on, it will beep once a minute. ZZH
Slide 10 Intel ® Confidential Plugging in the programming cable 1.Connect comms cable to comms. port on computer (The COM port should have 9 pins) and to the earphone jack port (RS 232) on Quadrabotz. 2.If necessary connect comms cable to USB adapter cable and load USB to serial minidiskette 3.To check for connectivity; Click on Options Comms. A message box appears, as follows: 4.If necessary change the comms port number and try again until you get a successful connection. 5.Turn Quadrabotz on.
Slide 11 Intel ® Confidential Checking the COM port connection Run the Quadrabotz.exe program on the PC and select the Options/Comms menu command. The COM port dialog box appears – ”Comms with Quadrobotz successful” If unsuccessful- Select another COM port number/ check that the cable is plugged in properly and that the robot is turned on.
Slide 12 Intel ® Confidential To download a program to the robot and run the program Select the File/Open command Open Tutorial 1 Select Program/Download or click the Download button or press the F8 key – the message “Writing EEPROM” appears. Put the robot on a clear part of the desk. Select the Program/Run command or click the Run button or press the F9 key. The robot will walk forward. To stop the robot, press the Stop button or switch the robot off then back on again.
Slide 13 Intel ® Confidential To start a new program Select the File/New menu command to clear any program that’s in the PC’s editor.
Slide 14 Intel ® Confidential Quadrabotz Motors There are 3 motors, - front, middle and back A Delay command must be inserted after each motor command. (measured in jiffies: 1 jiffy = 50ms)
Slide 15 Intel ® Confidential Examples of Motor constants xxxall motors stop LxRthe front-left and back-right legs move forward LLxthe front-left leg moves forward; the front section twists to the left LLLthe front-left and back-left legs move forward; the front section twists to the left LRxthe front-left leg moves forward; the front section twists to the right Note: The middle and back motors cannot move in opposite directions at the same time.
Slide 16 Intel ® Confidential Creating your first program for Quadrabotz
Slide 17 Intel ® Confidential 1. Set motor position 2. Create motor command
Slide 18 Intel ® Confidential 3. Set Delay value 4. Create Delay command
Slide 19 Intel ® Confidential 5. Set motor position 6. Create motor command
Slide 20 Intel ® Confidential 7. Set Delay value 8. Create Delay command 9. Run Program
Slide 21 Intel ® Confidential 10. Say Yes!
Slide 22 Intel ® Confidential 11. Program is downloaded
Slide 23 Intel ® Confidential Program execution
Slide 24 Intel ® Confidential 1. Front left leg moves forward
Slide 25 Intel ® Confidential 2. Do nothing for 14 jiffies (0.7 secs.)
Slide 26 Intel ® Confidential 3. Front right leg moves forward
Slide 27 Intel ® Confidential 4. Do nothing for 14 jiffies (0.7 secs.)
Slide 28 Intel ® Confidential 5. Go back to the first instruction and do it all again!
Slide 29 Intel ® Confidential Programming Quadrabotz to walk
Slide 30 Intel ® Confidential Programming Quadrobotz to walk. Motor(LxR) Delay(15) Motor(xLx) Delay(10) Motor(RxL) Delay(15) Motor(xRx) Delay(10)
Slide 31 Intel ® Confidential Quadrabotz walking on the floor. Click the Download button to download the program into the robot. Switch the robot off. Unplug the cable. Switch the robot on again. The program in the robot will start to run and will be executed repeatedly. Switch the robot off, plug the cable in, and switch the robot on again to await next program.
Slide 32 Intel ® Confidential Gaits A gait is a way of walking – a sequence of motor commands. Quadrabotz is capable of over 2000 different gaits!
Slide 33 Intel ® Confidential Gaits The Quadrabotz has six built-in gaits: Gait(gFwd) : execute one step forwards Gait(gLeft) : execute one step turning to the left Gait(gRight): execute one step turning to the right Gait(gRev) : execute one step backwards Gait(gRevL) : execute one step backwards to the left Gait(gRevR) : execute one step backwards to the right
Slide 34 Intel ® Confidential Gaits Type-in, download and run this program: Gait(gFwd) The robot will walk forwards.
Slide 35 Intel ® Confidential Gaits Try different combinations of gaits, for instance three paces forwards then two backwards and to the left: Type-in, download and run this program: Gait(gFwd) Gait(gRevL)
Slide 36 Intel ® Confidential Programming Quadrabotz to Sing
Slide 37 Intel ® Confidential Making Sounds Ensure that the robot is plugged in and switched on. Click the beep button to select the Beep Programming page. Click in the squared area of the dialog box Each square corresponds to a different type of beep Click on the test button to hear the type of beep The robot will play the beep. Select a beep and then press the Beep button Beep statement is now added to the program.
Slide 38 Intel ® Confidential Sounds Type-in, download and run this program Beep(184) Beep(131) Beep(109) Beep(91)
Slide 39 Intel ® Confidential Sounds Type-in, download and run this program Beep(184) Delay(14) Beep(131) Delay(14) Beep(109) Delay(14) Beep(91) Delay(14)
Slide 40 Intel ® Confidential Testing the obstacle sensors Quadrabotz has 2 light sensors The robot’s chip measures the light level seen by the light sensor and assigns it a base value Quadrabotz has 2 light emitting diodes When these are turned on and If there is an obstacle nearby, then infra red light will be reflected off it back to the light sensors. The difference between the two readings is what is shown on the Measure dialog chart. The sensitivity of the light sensors depends on how much infra red light the obstacle reflects and on the background light level.
Slide 41 Intel ® Confidential h Light Sensor Infra Red LED Sensors
Slide 42 Intel ® Confidential
Slide 43 Intel ® Confidential Testing the obstacle sensors Switch the robot off, make sure the cable is plugged in and switch the robot on again. Click the measure button to display the Measure dialog. Watch the Obstacle Left and Obstacle Right charts. Wave your hand in front of the robot’s sensors – the white lines on the chart move up and down.
Slide 44 Intel ® Confidential Testing the light sensors Switch the robot off, make sure the cable is plugged in and switch the robot on again. Click the measure button to display the Measure dialog. The light sensors on each corner of quadrabotz are sensitive to white and red light Watch the Light Left and Light Right charts as you point the robot towards and away from a window or light source The white lines on the chart move up or down due to the differing light intensity.
Slide 45 Intel ® Confidential Threshold Level The red line shows the threshold level above which an Event will be triggered. Click and drag the mouse over the Light charts to alter the threshold value.
Slide 46 Intel ® Confidential Sensors in basic You can test the value measured by the obstacle detectors and light sensors in If,While and Repeat statements.
Slide 47 Intel ® Confidential Sensors in basic The Quadrabotz has the following sensors LeftObsLeft obstacle sensor RightObsRight obstacle sensor LeftLightLeft light-level sensor RightLightRight light-level sensor FrontMotorFront motor sensor BackMidMotorsMid/Back motor sensor Timertimer
Slide 48 Intel ® Confidential Sensors in Basic Type in and download the following program If LeftLight > 20 then Beep(189) end The robot measures the light level seen by the left light sensor It beeps if the level is greater than 20.
Slide 49 Intel ® Confidential Sensors in basic If you click the if Left Bright button on the If programming page, the editor inserts: If LeftLight > 20 then else end
Slide 50 Intel ® Confidential You could compare 2 sensor values as follows: Type-in, download and run this program If LeftLight > RightLight then Beep(240) else Beep(87) end Sensors in basic
Slide 51 Intel ® Confidential Sensors in Basic Timer is a variable that is incremented 4 times a second. Type-in, download and run this program If Timer > 20 then Timer=0 Beep(240) end This program beeps every 5 seconds
Slide 52 Intel ® Confidential Events An event (something happening in the outside world) allows a program to respond quickly to a sensor.
Slide 53 Intel ® Confidential 1. Select event dialogue Gait(gFwd)
Slide 54 Intel ® Confidential 2. Select Left Obstacle event
Slide 55 Intel ® Confidential 3. Select motor dialogue
Slide 56 Intel ® Confidential 4. Tilt middle motor to the left and create the command
Slide 57 Intel ® Confidential 6. Tilt middle motor to the right and create the command
Slide 58 Intel ® Confidential 7. Just one more delay…
Slide 59 Intel ® Confidential 8. Select beep dialogue and choose a beep type and create the command
Slide 60 Intel ® Confidential 9. Now run the program and observes what happens when you put your finger in front of the left sensor 5. Now do a 6 jiffy delay (0.3 secs.) 6. Tilt middle motor to the right and create the command 7. Just one more delay… 8. Select beep dialogue and choose a beep type and create the command
Slide 61 Intel ® Confidential 10. The robot continuously executes the ‘Main’ program. When it detects a left obstacle it stops whatever it is doing in the ‘Main’ program, jumps to the ‘Event LetObs’ program, executes all of the commands and returns to where it left off in the ‘Main’ program Motor (xLx) Delay(6) Motor(xRx) Delay(6) Beep(169) Gait(gFwd)
Slide 62 Intel ® Confidential Gait(gFwd) Beep(168) Beep(189) Gait(gRev) Gait(gRevL) Gait(gRevL Beep(187) Gait(gRev) Gait(gRevR)
Slide 63 Intel ® Confidential Beep(100) Gait(gRev) Beep(106) Gait(gRev)
Slide 64 Intel ® Confidential Advanced Programming
Slide 65 Intel ® Confidential REM This program counts the number REM of times you pass your finger in front REM of the Left detector REM When you pass your finger in front of REM the Right obstacle, Quadrabotz beeps REM twice the number of times that the Left REM obstacle was detected dim LeftDetections, Counter, Answer REM Now we get the answer REM This Beeps twice as many times as REM the Left Obstacle was detected Answer = LeftDetections * 2 REM For all values of the variable Counter between 1 REM and whatever the variable Answer equals For Counter = 1 to Answer Beep(248) Delay(8) Next REM Make the variable zero before starting again REM otherwise we would be adding to the previous value LeftDetections = 0 REM Increment the variable LeftDetections REM everytime the Left Obstacle is detected LeftDetections = LeftDetections + 1 Beep(136)