NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. AP ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION Thursday, January 15 th, 2015
JOURNAL In your journal, respond to the following prompts What went well yesterday, in regard to writing your rhetorical analysis timed write? Why? What did not go well yesterday, in regard to writing your rhetorical analysis timed write? Why? Compare and contrast your experience writing this rhetorical analysis timed write and writing last week’s synthesis TW.
PEER GRADE RA ESSAY Each essay needs to be read and scored twice. Use the rubric to score the essay. Write a brief statement (2-4 sentences) to explain the score (scoring commentary). Make sure to use the language of the rubric in your explanation. After all essays have been scored twice, have a conversation with your group mates and discuss the following topics: Which trends do you notice? What might be some “fixes” for the negative trends, and what might be some “extensions” for the positive trends? Based on reading each others’ essays, what can you learn about your own writing, and how will you apply this knowledge? In small groups, create a system to accomplish the following: **Self-score your own essay FIRST!!
SUBMIT RA ESSAY Turn in your rhetorical analysis essay in the following order Top: prompt Middle: timed write Bottom: rubrics and scoring commentary (at least two)
PREVIEW TOMORROW Due Friday 1/16/15 Semester 1 précis reflection Unit 4 précis re-writes Semester 1 enrichment In-Class: Surprise!! Connection between Frontier unit and Open prompt focus next week…
Unit 4 Frontier Research Essay General Notes: Excellent focus & organization throughout Improvement from the last essay in your Works Cited page! In-text citations: these need to be included for BOTH direct quotes AND paraphrased information (including facts/dates/anything you had to look up to include in your essay)! Re-Writes: due by Weds. 1/21/15 Must include: original essay; revision t-chart; new final