Clanché – July 2010 The dissemination French census results since 2009 INSEE (French NSI) - Demographic departement
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July Since decembre 2008, the « official populations » of the administrative units are calculed and disseminated by Insee, yearly -Since july 2009, all the detailled statistical results of census are also disseminated, yearly. -This presentation describes the device decided by insee for this dissemination -1. The strategy -2. The products -3. Points of assesment
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010 I - Main points of the strategy (1) › A. All results updated every year ? › Why ? –It is possible with the new method, using 5 surveys –Users ask for « the latest » information at every moment – concistancy with official population figures › Why not ? – It is expensive – Data of successive dates do not constitute actual yearly series We decided to do it
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010 Main points of the strategy (2) › B – Paper or online ? – the former dissemination was first paper, then online – for a yearly large dissemination, paper would bee expensive and immediately « outdated » –Even the official popuations are only online The dissemination of french census is only online All the products are free for all users
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010 Main points of the strategy (3) › C – What want the users ? What about confidentiality ? – Users were consulted trough the CNIS they wanted to find all what they had with the « old » census with documentation, because of the new method – The proposition of device was presented to the CNIL, and a « dissemination regulation » was edicted ‐ different size of the tables for different population of territories ‐ micro data bases wtih either geographical precision, either breakdown detail ‐ A little number of « sensitive » variables with specific rules
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010 Main points of the strategy (4) › C – How can we help the users ? Make them independant. – the conception of the website – a large documentation – a specific « supporting » for some specific users, by regional Insee teams.
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010 II – Different products for different audiences › Two main categories of users : › General public, including policymakers, media : immediately avaible on screen, without specific precautions › Professional users (public organizations, local authorities, large companies, consultants, research...). : build information independently, by exploiting online available databases.
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010 Three products for general public › Key figures : For all geographical areas, even very little online and PDF Tables and some simple graphics Comparaisons with 1999 census › Detailled tables for areas of more than inhabitants online and XLS Only effectif tables No comparaisons on the website › Dynamic Maps
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010 Résultats du recensement de la population Chiffres clés Commune : Roscoff (29680) Accueil > Chiffres clés > Roscoff ( Commune) - Thème : Évolution et structure de la population Tableaux détaillésDocumentationAideDonnées téléchargeables :: Modifier votre recherche :: Exporter les tableaux et graphiques Fiche au format PDF Documentation au format PDF Fiche et documentation au format PDF ->Documentation associée aux tableaux et graphiques ->Documentation sur les chiffres clés :: Pour en savoir plus
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010 Products for professional users › data that can be reprocessed. › Users sensitive to questions of statistical significance, comparability,changes in concepts : read documentation › Use their own tools for processing and editing. › Two types of products – "bases " : requires knowledge of the functionality of a spreadsheet. (formats, XLS and TXT). – "micro data files" : must be read and processed with software processing database or statistical software.
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010 Bases and microdata › Downloadable bases (hypercubes) makespossible any geographical aggregation of any calculated indicator › Microdata can be used to build user’s own indicator, to study a sub-population, to make modeling behaviour studies… › 8 different microdata files, either with geographical details, either with description or breakdown details, according to CNIL regulation
The dissemination of French census since 2009 Geneva July 2010 Conclusions › The schedule was respected › It was a large success for all types of users : rich, easy tu use, well documented › Some users ask for more or easier › Improvement made for the second year …. But › Thise device is expensive : about 1,4 M€ for the construction, € each year. › Not integrated in the global Insee Web site.
Clanché – July 2010 Thank you for your attention