Mr. Conwell › Letters A-E Mr. Kean › Letters F-K Mrs. Marazza › Letters L-R Mrs. Thorsen › Letters S-Z
4.5 credits required to graduate Page 33 in Course of Study Book, visit pgs for elective courses in the English department Select one of the following: AP English Language – ENG993 (88% in Advanced English, 92% in English 10) English 11 – ENG259
4 credits required to graduate Page 59 in Course of Study Book, visit pgs for elective courses in the Social Studies department Select one of the following: AP US History SST910 (85% in Cultures of the World) US & PA III – SST558 *New course being offered as an elective – AP Human Geography – SST917
3 courses required to graduate Page 52 in Course of Study Book Select one of the following: Honors Physics (includes P.E.) – SCI535 › (1.5 credits) – 9 periods per cycle Academic Physics (includes P.E.) – SCI536 › (1.5 credits) – 9 periods per cycle Applied Physics – SCI513 › (1 credit) – 6 periods per cycle (MUST schedule a P.E. class)
3 credits required to graduate Page 42 in Course of Study Book Select one of the following: Statistics/Trigonometry – MAT410 Pre Calculus/Trigonometry - MAT415 Pre Calculus/Calculus – MAT414 Calculus – MAT426 AP Statistics - MAT905 AP Calculus - MAT906 Calculus II - MAT916
2.5 credits required to graduate Page 40 in Course of Study Book, visit pgs for elective courses in the Physical Education department Should have completed.5 credits of Swimming, Health and Physical Education at the end of this school year Lifetime Fitness – HPE366 Advanced Physical Education – HPE365 Aquatic Skills – HPE353
College Prep – Select one, 3 years recommended of the same language Prerequisite: 70% average for 2 nd semester Page 66 in Course of Study Book French III, French IV - WLG654, WLG656 German III, German IV - WLG664, WLG666 Spanish III, Spanish IV – WLG674, WLG676 Japanese III, Japanese IV – WLG684, WLG686
Students MUST schedule 7.0 credits Students can schedule a maximum of 8 credits Art – Pg. 26 Business, Computers and Information Technology – Pg. 28 Computer Science – Pg. 32 Family Consumer Science – Pg. 38 Music – Pg. 49 Technology Education – Pg. 62 CWCTC – Pg. 68 *New courses: FCS314 – Fashion Strategies and Design FCS315 – Personal Fitness and Nutritional Cooking
MUST select 2 Alternative Electives Can select up to 4 Alternative Electives will be used if one of your choices does not fit in your schedule! Please choose courses that interest you.
Opportunity to take Advanced Placement courses in 11 th grade AP courses are college level courses Please discuss with teacher to decide best placement NO AP COURSES WILL BE DROPPED IN THE FALL!
College in the High School provides college credit for certain courses Norwin offers. › Have agreements with Adams University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Seton Hill University and the University of Pittsburgh › Pass the class at Norwin and receive college credit from the schools listed above. › See Page 11 in your Course of Study book for more information and a list of classes that are College in the High School classes.
Opportunity to earn college credits Enroll as a college student in online courses at IUP and courses at WCCC Cost for 3 credit course is greatly reduced Available courses will vary from semester to semester based on what IUP and WCCC are offering. If interested in taking a course, please see your counselor for more information.
"Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community” Earn College Credits in High School Aerospace ScienceLeadership Education A Journey Into Aviation HistoryCitizenship, Character, and Air Force Tradition Science of Flight: A Gateway to New HorizonsCommunication, Awareness, and Leadership Cultural Studies: An Introduction to Global Awareness Life Skills and Career Opportunities Exploring Space: The High FrontierPrinciples of Management JROTC Program Requirements Weekly Uniform Wear and Drill (Marching) Additional JROTC Courses Aviation Honors Ground School Advanced Drill Leadership Laboratory Activity (Summer)
Leadership Opportunities Color Guard and Drill Teams Kitty Hawk Air Society Academic Bowl (SAT/ACT) Field Trips Orienteering Air Rifle Competition Teams Model Rocketry & Radio Controlled Aircraft Clubs Flight Simulators Community Service Projects Fitness Competitions Mentoring/outreach to middle schools
Each student will participate in a scheduling day tomorrow, Tuesday, January 27 th. Bring your scheduling sheet with you tomorrow. Please get your teacher to sign off on your scheduling sheet during each class. Students will return to homeroom at the end of the day on Tuesday and turn in scheduling sheets.
These sheets will be returned to students on Wednesday, January 28 th. Once they are returned to you, students will be able to schedule courses online at home. Directions to schedule online at home will be provided when you receive your scheduling sheet on Wednesday. You are able to schedule online at home from Wednesday, January 28 th – February 1 st. Counselors will begin seeing students individually to review schedule on Monday, February 2.
Directions for scheduling can be found on the Guidance website. You can access: › Directions on how to schedule › A scheduling handout by Skyward that will walk you through scheduling step by step › Scheduling sheets › Course of Study Book Course of Study Book Visit: