U15 – Performance Analysis
What is Performance Analysis? Performance Analysis is about creating a valid and reliable record of performance by means of observations that can be analysed with a view to improved performance.
Types of Performance Analysis? Notational AnalysisVideo Based Analysis
Typical Coaching Process Competition Coach analyses performance Coaches identifies strengths/weaknesses Training
The Facts Two key studies have highlighted memory retention problems: Coaches able to recall only 30-50% of key performance factors they had witnessed.
Coaching Process with PA Competition PA Analyses Performance Feedback to coach Coach feedback to players Applies issues in training Quality of the feedback influences learning Objective description of performance
PA Can Impact on Individual Performance Team Performance Analysing Opposition Training Design
U15 Key Points to Analyse Technical Skill Execution Balance Strength Team Play Tactical Awareness Switching Play Speed Agility
Under 15 Personal Assessment Too often players are bombarded with the coaches’ opinion of where they are strong or weak. Try to get your players to take ownership of their own development. Scoring Criteria: 1=Poor 2=Average 3=Good 4=Very Good 5=Excellent * Should be completed by both coach and the player independently and then compared. A plan of action must then be agreed and put in place. Mental AttributesGlossary of Terms Rating (1,2,3,4,5) Work RateHunger/Effort/Looks for work Courage Makes sacrifices for the team/puts themselves in physically exposed positions Confidence Trusts their ability/assertive & takes risks Ambition Wants to be the best/Has a plan to succeed Physical Attributes Physical PresenceQuick, strong, powerful, agile & fit Game Understanding Communication Communicates clearly & accurately-says just enough Decision MakingReads the game well Vision Plays “head up”. Doesn’t waste possession SupportAlways available to assist LeadershipStands out when things go wrong Knowledge of the Rules Knows where the “line” is/learns from the referee’s decisions Position Specific Understanding of position played Knows what is expected from his/her position