Georgia By: ShyAnn Wickherst
Geographer Capital Name: Atlanta Region: Southeast Region 3 Major Cities Columbus, Savannah, Macon
Geography Geography Land Formations: Savannah river Mountains Piedmont Plateau Coastal Plain States that Border: Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, Florida
Historian January Aboll Weevil in Festation Destroys Cotton Crops
economist Carpet,Textiles Cloth manufacturing Have a Long his tory in Georgia
Political Scientist Name of governor Nathandeal Saxby Chambliss Johnny I sakson
State Information State Nickname: Peach State State Flower Cherokee Rose State Fruit Peach State Fruit Peach State tree Live oak
Fun Fact Forests Coverabout Two Thirds Of Georgia Abra Ham Bald Win 1754 – 1807 Signed the U.S Constitution on Behalf of Georgia
Fun fact