Agenda: Checking up Final registration and requirements Exam and Supervisor Forms Reminders
Checking up ICS mailing list (send to Student ID card –access card –library card Computer username and password Wireless (see student helpers KS3, room 3.122)
Final Registration Hand in deadline September 23! Specific examples of -- Danish Welfare State –Studies in Psychology –Languages and International Business Communication (1) –Languages and International Business Communication (2) –German/Danish Language and Cultural Studies
Danish Welfare State in a Comparative Perspective Project theme requirements: International Welfare course as basis for the project One basic concept course, if needed, to make up deficiency One course in French, German or Spanish, if you are a native speaker in one of these languages Project Writing Workshop Elective courses, as needed, to reach ECTS points
Studies in Psychology Project theme requirements Take both required courses –Synopsis exam –7 day take home assignment One course from ICS, in French, German or Spanish, if your are a native speaker in one of these languages Danish, ISCAN or Welfare State Project Writing Workshop
Languages and International Business Communication Module I Project Theme Requirements Project Course in Intercultural Market Communication Course in Culture, Society and International Marketing Course in Oral Proficiency and Negotiation Course in your native language, if French, German, Spanish Danish, Scandinavian culture Project Writing Workshop
Languages and International Business Communication Module 2 (for students with Danish language proficiency) Project Theme Requirements Required course IBC-1 Textanalyse, to use as the basis for a project Courses and one examination in Virksomheds Kommunikation Courses and one examination in Interkulturel Markeds Kommunikation One course in your native language, if the language is English, French, German or Spanish Danish Language, Culture and Conversation Exchange (for 1 ECTS) or ISCAN 1 or 2.
Literary, Textual and Cultural Studies (German) Project theme requirements: One course as basis for the project One Free Study Activity (FSA) or other exam One course in French, English or Spanish, if your are a native speaker in one of these languages Danish, ISCAN or Welfare State Project Writing Workshop
PROJECT WRITING WORKSHOPS Literary, Textual and Cultural Studies (English & German) & (CMS) Monday, September 19 at in room IIC Tuesday, September 20 at in room CCG – all languages and Danish Welfare State (DWS) Thursday, September 22 at in room Language and Communication Thursday, September 22 at in room 1.115
Project Writing Workshop Readings Literary, Textual and Cultural Studies (English & German) & (CMS) Gramham Greene and Examples of Problem Formulations IIC Extracts from Maurice Berger (1999) and Extracts from Beynon, and Duncerley (2000) CCG – all languages and Danish Welfare State (DWS) Newspaper articles: The Economist, Frankfurter Allegmeine Zeitung Weekly, Open Democracy, Spiegel Online Language and Communication Bauer, L. & Trudgill, P., “Language Myths”
Group formation meetings CCG – all languages Friday, September 9 at at Fib. 2, room 1 Language and Communication To be announced by IIC and CMS and Literary, Textual and Cultural Studies No official group formation meeting
Make an appointment with me to sign up for official exams and fill out supervisor request forms Tuesday, Sept. 27 from Wednesday, Sept. 28 from Friday, Sept. 30 from Tuesday, Oct. 4 from Wednesday, Oct. 5 from