1 Re–use of PSI – Challenges and Opportunities ePSIplus National Meeting Greece 21 May 2008 Athens
2 Content Policies i2010 initiative: content plays key role –Use of IS tools for economic growth and quality of life Public Sector Content –Digital Libraries initiative –Cultural and scientific information Public Sector Information
3 PSI: a key resource Public sector: principal source of information –Geographical information, transport meteorological, legal and administrative information,… Information increasingly on-line PSI reuse potential creating new added value services and products Benefits from re-use for economy and society Open and transparent policy is essential in the information market
4 What is at stake ? It’s big –Investment value, re-use New added value services –Combining data from different sources Cross-border use and potential There are problems and opportunities –Competition issues, lack of culture Vs huge market potential
5 Estimated Value of PSI MEPSIR (EU): 10 to €48 billion GFII : € Million French Electronic Information Industry OFT (UK): –Current value: €730 million –Potential: € 1500 million –The Guardian ( ) “hundreds of billions ?”
6 Historical barriers to PSI exploitation Lack of clear rules and policies No availability of information and condition for re-use Mindset of public sector bodies Unfair competition Lack of transparency High charges
7 How to overcome historical barriers ? 1.Legislation –Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the re-use of public sector information –redresses barriers, a gradual process 2.Deployment, coordination, cooperation, enforcement
8 PSI Directive 2003/98/EC Adopted in November 2003 Transposition date: July 2005 All MS have notified transposition
9 PSI Directive 2003/98/EC Minimal harmonisation to facilitate cross- border re-use Transparency of price and conditions Prohibition of exclusive arrangements Non-discrimination between users Clear procedures, means of redress Assets lists, online licenses
10 Deployment, coordination and cooperation Deployment measures that facilitate the Directive’ implementation –Establishment of bodies responsible for PSI –Demand meeting supply –Licenses –Pricing –Redress –Coordination (PSI Group) –Awareness raising and exchange of good practices (ePSIplus)
11 New developments OECD Ministerial meeting in Seoul Summer 2008 – The Future of the Internet economy - OECD PSI Recommendations PSI Alliance –To encourage constructive dialogue –To share their knowledge at the EU level –To support good practice and help expose the consequences of bad practice Models of PSI provision by Trading Funds Report. Univ. of Cambridge –Charging Policy –Governance and Regulation
12 Reuse of Commission Information Commission Decision on the re-use of Commission information Legal &Administrative –Eurlex & TED Economic Information – Eurostsat Translation memories
13 PSI Directive review in 2008 Report to the European Parliament and the Council in 2008 on the results of the Directive. Assessment of the actual implementation and the ongoing developments associated with the Directive. Study about the re-use of PSI as a means of measuring the impact of the PSI Directive Stakeholder involvement –On-line consultation –ePsiplus seminars –ePSIplus Conference: ‘PSI Re-use – Who Takes Action Next? 13 June 2008 (Brussels, Belgium)
14 Conclusions PSI has enormous economic potential Deployment is a must Supply needs to meet demand Stakeholder involvement crucial for the 2008 PSI Directive Review
15 Many thanks