Cynhadledd a Gwobrau’r Gymraeg mewn Gofal Iechyd : Rhai agweddau ar recriwtio The Welsh Language in Healthcare – Conference and Awards Some recruitment.


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Presentation transcript:

Cynhadledd a Gwobrau’r Gymraeg mewn Gofal Iechyd : Rhai agweddau ar recriwtio The Welsh Language in Healthcare – Conference and Awards Some recruitment considerations :

2 agwedd 2 aspects Rheoli adnoddau sgiliau iaith sefydliad Managing an organisation’s language skills resource Hyfforddiant i staff mewn sgiliau iaith ac ymwybyddiaeth iaith Language skills and language awareness training for staff

2 ystyriaeth gychwynnol initial considerations Cydnabod bod medru'r Gymraeg yn sgil Gall y sgil hon fod yn angenrheidiol ar gyfer rhai swyddogaethau cyfathrebu, ac yn ddymunol ar gyfer eraill 1 Recognise that ability in Welsh is a skill It is a skill which may be essential for undertaking some communication functions, and desirable for others

2 Cydnabod mai un o brif arfau’r darparwr gofal iechyd yw… sgiliau cyfathrebu Recognise that one of the main tools of the healthcare provider is… communication skills


Y Canllawiau Statudol: “ Cynlluniau Iaith Gymraeg – eu paratoi a'u cymeradwo yn unol â Deddf yr Iaith Gymraeg 1993 The Statutory Guidance: “Welsh Language Schemes- their preparation and approval in accordance with the Welsh Language Act 1993” Guideline 8(i)‏ required: 'measures to ensure that workplaces which have contact with the public in Wales seek access to sufficient and appropriately skilled Welsh speakers to enable those workplaces to deliver a full service through the medium of Welsh’. Roedd Canllaw 8(i)‏ yn gofyn am: ‘fesurau i sicrhau bod gweithleoedd a chyswllt â’r cyhoedd yng Nghymru yn ceisio cael digon o siaradwyr Cymraeg sydd a’r sgiliau priodol er mwyn galluogi’r gweithleoedd hynny i ddarparu gwasanaeth cyflawn drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg’.

Y Canllawiau Statudol The Statutory Guidance Guideline 8(ii)‏ ‘Measures to identify those posts where the ability to speak Welsh is considered to be essential and those where it is considered to be desirable in order to deliver a full service through the medium of Welsh’. Canllaw 8 (ii)‏ ‘Mesurau clustnodi’r swyddi hynny lle ystyrir bod gallu siarad Cymraeg yn hanfodol a’r rhai lle ystyrir ei fod yn ddymunol er mwyn darparu gwasanaeth cyflawn drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg’.

Recriwtio: Ystyried y Gymraeg Dogfen gyngor a gyhoeddwyd gan Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg, 2012 Recruitment : Welsh Language Considerations Advice document published by the Welsh Language Commissioner, 2012

Sut mae cynllunio adnoddau sgiliau iaith? - Mae Comisiynydd y Gymraeg yn argymell paratoi a mabwysiadu Strategaeth Sgiliau Dwyieithog How to plan the language skills resource? -Welsh Language Commissioner recommends -preparation and adoption of Bilingual Skills Strategy Gall strategaeth cynllunio gweithlu dwyieithog yn cyfrannu at ddileu ansicrwydd ar fater y Gymraeg mewn cyflogaeth, a galluogi sefydliad i ymdrin â sgiliau iaith mewn modd cadarnhaol, gwrthrychol a chyfreithlon A bilingual workforce planning strategy can help remove any uncertainty regarding the Welsh language in recruitment, and allow an organisation to deal with language skills positively, objectively, and legally.

‘Strategaeth Sgiliau Dwyieithog Hywel Dda’ ‘The Hywel Dda Bilingual Skills Strategy’ Audit of current Welsh Language skills - all staff self assess against a competency framework. Undertake a Needs Assessment- based on percentages of Welsh speakers in local population in the 3 counties according to the 2011 Census Identify skills gap- by comparing results of 1 & 2 above to determine skills required Develop a Welsh Language Skills Action Plan - to close the skills gap Arolwg o Sgiliau iaith presennol y staff – yr holl staff i hunanasesu yn ôl fframwaith cymwyseddau Cynnal asesiad o’r angen –ar sail canrannau’r boblogaeth Gymraeg leol yn y 3 Sir yn ôl Cyfrifiad 2011 Adnabod y bwlch sgiliau – trwy gymharu canlyniadau 1 a 2 uchod i ganfod pa sgiliau sydd eu hangen Datblygu Cynllun Gweithredu Sgiliau Cymraeg – i gau’r bwlch sgiliau

‘Strategaeth Sgiliau Dwyieithog Hywel Dda’ ‘The Hywel Dda Bilingual Skills Strategy’ Develop a Welsh Language Skills Action Plan - to close the skills gap in each service area by - o Creative ways of working o Learning & development-training o Recruitment. Datblygu Cynllun Gweithredu Sgiliau Cymraeg – i gau’r bwlch sgiliau ym mhob gwasanaeth trwy - o Dulliau gweithredu creadigol o Dysgu a datblygu – hyfforddiant o Recriwtio

Cynllun newydd New initiative Yn cysylltu rhestrau o staff i weithio sifftiau â’r arolwg o sgiliau iaith staff i ganfod staff sydd â’r sgiliau Cymraeg priodol i weithio ar sifftiau penodol. Mae’r system yn cysylltu’n syth â’r Cofnod Electronig o Staff. Gall rheolwyr / chwiorydd wardiau ddefnyddio hyn i staffio wardiau’n fwy effeithiol, yn ôl anghenion cleifion. Mae hyn yn gam pwysig tuag at sicrhau digon o siaradwyr Cymraeg ar bob sifft. Linking E-rostering to Welsh language skills audit to identify staff with appropriate Welsh Language proficiency skill levels to be rostered onto shifts. The system links directly to the ESR System (Electronic Staff Record) Ward managers / Sisters can use this to roster staff on wards more effectively e.g. according to patient need. This is an important step towards ensuring adequate numbers of Welsh speakers on every shift

Rhaglen e-ddysgu cynaliadwy Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda Hywel Dda Health Board sustainable e-learning programme Ffrwyth cydweithio rhwng Swyddogion Iaith a’r Tîm Hyfforddi a Datblygu Rhaglen yn dangos pwysigrwydd y Gymraeg mewn gofal iechyd Yr e-ddysgu yn cynnwys technoleg podledu – ffeiliau sain y gellir eu lawrlwytho i chwaraewr MP3 neu gyfrifiadur personol Cynaliadwy Cost-effeithiol Cyfleus i’r defnyddiwr Collaboration between Welsh Language Officers and Training & Development Team Programme shows the importance of Welsh in healthcare services The e-learning facility incorporates podcasting technology – audio files that can be downloaded to MP3 player or PC Sustainable Cost effective User friendly

Cynnwys yr e-ddysgu E-learning content Ymwybyddiaeth iaith – ystyriaethau hanesyddol, diwylliannol, cyd- destunol Sgiliau iaith – cymorth i’w ddatblygu a gwella Cynllun iaith – canllawiau ar agweddaugweithredol a phrif ffrydio’r iaith mewn gwasanaethau Welsh language awareness - historical, cultural and contextual aspects Language skills – aids to develop and improve Welsh Language Scheme – guidance on oprational aspects and mainstreaming into services

Cwestiynau... Questions.... I ba raddau mae eich sefydliad chi wedi mynd i’r afael â’r materion hyn? How far has your organisation progressed in its approach to these matters? Beth yw'r prif heriau sydd o’ch blaen yn y meysydd hyn? What are the main challenges before you in these areas of work?