1 OECD Berlin, 11 June 2012 Regulatory costs in France 2005-2012 The search for a comprehensive definition Charles-Henri Montin, Senior Regulatory Expert,


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Presentation transcript:

1 OECD Berlin, 11 June 2012 Regulatory costs in France The search for a comprehensive definition Charles-Henri Montin, Senior Regulatory Expert, Ministère de l’économie et des finances, Paris

C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June Basic premises (France)  Citizens and companies have a broader sense of red tape than IOs and related costs : perceived complexity, irritation factor must be measured  Regulatory costs important in the complex law- making process (but not driving principle)  Proportionality in studies and measurements  Benefits of legislation not to be forgotten  Need for all actors in the lawmaking process to coordinate, also across levels of government

C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June Who controls regulatory costs (2011) Simplification & Regulatory Cost reductions Commissioner for simplification PMO/SGG Reform of the State (DGME) Business Ministry Parliament

Regulatory cost reduction process Select DGME surveys & website; parliament hearings Assises de la Simplification (business ministry) Design Process re-engineering (DGME as lead) Draft simplification bills / regulations, egov solutions Assess Business impact fiches (ministries) Check & calculate (Commissioner/CEGEFI - OSCAR) Enact Implement regulatory changes Review, discuss and vote simpl. bills (Parliament)

C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June Defining regulatory costs  Ex-ante: gradual strengthening of the RIA system, leading to an effective scrutiny of regulatory costs (CBA style)  Appointment of the Commissioner with a special mandate for regulation on local authorities and business  Ex-post: widening of the notion of regulatory costs after 2008 baseline measurement –Selection based on perception of complexity by end-users –Inclusion of Legal security / uncertainty concerns –Multi-level perspective –Increased concern for compliance costs of local authorities –Communication based on reduction measures, not baseline figures, hence cost figures less conspicous

C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June Ex post measurement techniques  : the baseline measurement of regulatory costs included: –Administrative costs of IO’s –Costs for administration –Cost of delays  : red tape surveys include: –First phase: consultation to identify burdens, irritants, sources of complexity –Second phase: re-engineering, then assessment of impact of simplification measures (including regulatory cost)

C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June Selecting effective simplification measures Qualitative surveys Life events Business Concerns Priority life events Screen for Simplification, improvement and modernisation Quantitative survey Proposals to improve service Process analysis

C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June % of enterprises concerned Priority concerns of business % of complexity felt Taxes Social contributions Recruiting Personal training Income issues Registering a business Environmental norms Buying materials for my enterprise Working conditions Firing Products selling Sale or transfer of business Import / Export Construction Payment denial Legal procedure Brand protection Public financing New subsidiary Frequent process judged simple Process judged complex Process judged simple Closing the accounts Frequent process judged complex Size proportional to the felt complexity Priorisation line

C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June Ex ante techniques  December 2007 report by Inspection Générale des Finances presents a detailed regulatory cost reduction method targeting: –One-off design cost of new legislation, including parliament and government time, length of texts, costs of consultations and publications –enactment costs, including i.a. training, IT changes, information of end-users (on the basis of IOs) See also 2004 Rapport Lasserre (“RIA and regulatory costs” p )Rapport Lasserre

C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June Regulatory costs in the RIA process  Commissioner’s 2012 annual report presents new methodology for ex ante assessment : « business impact fiche (BIF)» with wide definition of regulatory impact:2012 annual report –costs for business, sorted by « operationally consistent subset of measures »: compliance, information, training, etc (p. 20 of BIF guidance) –BCA approach and legal stability concern –Implementation schemes are included –Impact assessed for various sizes of companies

C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June OSCAR  = online Tool to Simulate Administrative Costs of new legislation  Developed 2010 by DGME on basis of 2007 IGF report and baseline data; transferred to SGG 2011  Supports business impact fiche calculations for economic, financial and fiscal impacts  Encompasses one-off and recurring costs including enactment, enforcement, implementation (for administrations) and compliance (for business)

C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June Two areas of regulatory costs targeted  1/ Business regulation  Inspired by the search for competitiveness, 2 reports from MP Warsmann 2009 & 2011Warsmann  SME policy conducted by the business minister in close connection with the National Assembly  2/ Local authority regulations  Rapport Doligé (2011) draws on comprehensive definition of regulatory costs for LA. Rapport Doligé  CCEN: unit to assess economic impact of new norms for LA

Regulatory Costs: reference docs (France)  Rapport Lasserre 2004 Rapport Lasserre  French SCM including costs for admins & delays French SCM  Rapport IGF 2007 “coûts administratifs de la réglementation” (not published)  Guidelines on RIA 2010 (not online)  OSCAR methodology (not online)  Rapport Warsmann 2011 Rapport Warsmann 2011  Commissioner’s annual report 2012 including the Business Impact Fiche & guidance’s annual report 2012  Rapport Doligé and fiche on new regulations for local authorities & guidance Rapport Doligé C.H. Montin, Berlin, OECD workshop 12 June 2012

14 To continue the study…  This presentation is online (including hyperlinks)  Updates on current events and trends in France: (blog) go to “France” category  Contact: finances.gouv.fr