The Blue School KS4 Induction Evening Welcome
This Evening’s Speakers: Mrs Fraser – Deputy Head, Curriculum Mr Harvey – Deputy Head, Pastoral Mr Colquhoun – Assistant Head, Curriculum Mr Bilkey – Pastoral Team Leader for Year 10
Why is KS4 so important? Never have 2 years meant so much! If you live to 90, KS4 will have taken only 2.2% of your whole life. Your level of education often dictates your wages. Your wages can dictate how long you live, who you marry, where you live and what car you drive Your children and your children’s children’s lives can be changed… It may make the difference between doing a job you love and working to live! You will not pass this way again.
Level 3 GCE – AS/A2 Grades A* - E BTEC – Level 3 Distinction*, Distinction, Merit, Pass Level 2 GCSE – Grades A* to C (English and Maths Level 9-1) BTEC – Level 2 Distinction*,Distinction, Merit, Pass Level 1 GCSE – Grades D to G BTEC – Level 1 Distinction*, Distinction, Merit, Pass Progression in Qualifications
The KS4 Assessment arrangements: GCSEs GCSE Core Science – Full external exams in Year 10 All other GCSEs – Full external exams in Year 11 Controlled Assessments – throughout 2 year period – up to 60% of final grade Numbers in maths and English 9-1 (targets will be grades) Grades in all other subjects A*-G BTEC Continuous assessment through units with a 25% exam included Sport vs ICT – no comparison
GCSE Science details GCSE Core Science – Full external exams for every Year 10 student. Biology 1 - Tuesday 17 th May 2016 Chemistry th May 2016 Physics th May 2016
Controlled Assessments Coursework projects throughout the year. Attendance is crucial throughout KS4. – Theory – Practical End of unit tests inform teaching and intervention Formal assessments/essays in timed conditions Eg English, Geog, History, Science ISAs.
Intervention Students of all abilities who are below target and: have had prolonged illness or need ‘catch up’ need a personalised intervention in small group or one-to-one need extra tuition to ‘fix’ a misconception or gap in knowledge Could reach the next grade up with a boost
How to Study? Where to Study? When to study? “Of course, I have to listen to music to concentrate.” “I work best when I am working with my friends.” “I’ll do it on the bus/in tutor.” “I’ll do it later. It is not due in until Friday.” “It’s too early to start revising!”
“Anyone has the potential to set a world record… … but only you can set a personal best.”
Study skills and ways of remembering: Use visual aids – eg. mindmaps Use colour coding Use classifying and categories Record and play back Mnemonics Use cue cards Read, repeat, check Change the form (notes to flow chart, condense to A4) Teach it to someone else By rote: repetition.
The Ebbinghaus Curve
caption osmosis aesthetics dynamics pitch masthead banner photosynthesis cuisine flambé digestion headline Bunsen burner image strapline logo repertoire omelette sauté tempo
simile filtration aesthetics mime semiotics alliteration rhymeaudience evaporate Michelin banoffee respiration adjective conical flask stanza infinitive enjambment repertoire bourguignon sauté
rhombus voltage igneous power sedimentary metaphor circle rhyming couplet resistance parallelogram metamorphic isosceles current personification weathering sonnet iambic pentameter erosion cylinder amp
Find out what works for you!
“If you want a job done… … ask a busy person.”
It takes 7 attempts to establish a routine If I made the decision to train to run a half- marathon: Attempts 1 – 3: Typically go well. The novelty of routine. Attempt 4: Test 1 Attempt 5: Test 2 Attempt 6: Test 3 Attempt 7: Routine established.
What is your personal best?
Some facts and figures about attendance: 90% A great result!
Some facts and figures about attendance: In an academic year: 95% attendance = 10 days absence, 2 school weeks off, 40 lessons missed 90% attendance = 19 days absence, one day off per fortnight, almost 4 school weeks off, 76 lessons missed 85% attendance = 29 days absence, almost 6 weeks off (1/2 term!), 116 lessons missed 80% attendance = 38 days absence, one day off per week 75% attendance = 47 days absence.
Poor attendance – the impact… GAPS in… Knowledge Skills Understanding Notes. LACK OF CONTACT with… Teachers Tutor Friends Extra-curricular activity.
Attendance – the key message Children with over 90% attendance at school are more likely to gain 5 or more A*- C GCSEs or equivalent qualifications. Children with less then 85% attendance at school are unlikely to gain 5 A*-C GCSEs or their expected qualifications. Always aim for 100% attendance “Catch up to keep up!”
‘In the The Blue
Some facts and figures about punctuality: Being frequently late for school, adds up to lost learning: Arriving 5 minutes late every day adds up to over 3 days lost each year Arriving 15 minutes late every day is the same as being absent for 2 weeks a year Arriving 30 minutes late every day is the same as being absent for 19 days a year 19 days lost a year through being late = 90% attendance.
The Structure of Year 10 Key dates: Autumn Term 19 th November Reports available online 26 th November Parents’ evening Spring Term 3 rd March 2016 – Yr 10 Invitational Parents’ Evening 5 th – 12 th March Year 10 French Exchange visit to France Summer Term 3 rd – 10 th May Year 10 French exchange students visit The Blue 5 th May Reports available online 12 th May Parents’ Evening 17 th – 25 th May – Core Science Exams 4 th - 8 th July Work Experience Week
‘In The The Blue’ Our School Aims The best we can achieve in; academic work sports, games and activities relationships and behaviour the development of our own moral code.
We’re here to help Points of contact: – Tutor – Pastoral Team Leader – Subject teachers Go for it Year 10!