Strategic Planning and the Importance of Collaboration: A conversation... Barrett Johnson, L.C.S.W. | CalSWEC Lisa Molinar, M.A. | Shared Vision Consultants
Welcome Who is in the room? Behavioral Health? Child Welfare? Advocates? State Staff: Behavioral Health? State Staff: Child welfare? Others?
Plan for the session Large group sharing of successes and challenges in planning collaboratively Review of Joint Management Task Force Recommendations Pathways to well-being implementation planning tool – small group and then large group report out Review the tool at your table and discuss how you have dealt with each area
Collaborative Planning – Large Group Sharing Who feels like they have a grip on collaborative planning with child welfare and mental/behavioral health? What have been some of the successes in collaborative planning? What challenges have you faced? How did you address them? What key lessons would you pass onto others?
Joint Management Task Force (JMT) Recommendations The JMT recommends that the Shared Management Structure (SMS) adopt the following vision, mission and values: Vision - All of California’s children should live in a safe, stable and permanent home that has the capacity to meet his/her basic needs and to support his/her well-being; and fewer of California’s children should require extended stay in foster care. Mission – The goals set forth in the Katie A. v Bonta settlement agreement should be met through: involvement of families and youth in the Shared Management Structure; measures of accountability that improve both system performance and individual outcomes; and clear and consistent guidance regarding policies and programs for program managers and stakeholders. Values – The system should be child-centered, family-focused, culturally competent, transparent, trauma-informed and accountable.
Joint Management Task Force Recommendations by Area Appointment of Transformational Manager/Facilitator Establishment of two Leadership Teams Shared Governance Inter-Departmental MOA Coordinate routine communications; joint policy formulation (ACLs/ACINs) Policies & Procedures Community Team develops recommendations for CQI and Accountability System Accountability & Oversight Adopt recommendations of the Fiscal Task Force Collaborate on budgeting and fiscal strategies Fiscal Strategies
Joint Management Task Force Short-, Mid- & Long-term Goals Ensure that data provided by the counties is accurate, consistent and reliable; Monitor county progress, and improve the performance of counties that are not making sufficient progress in providing ICC and IHBS to its subclass members; and Develop outcomes and accountability measures, and quality control systems that are consistent with the Core Practice Model. Short- term Leverage the POS project by incorporating Katie A. related data elements; and Integrate functional assessment and information/data at the individual level into the data match process and methodology. Mid- term Integrate the Quality Assurance processes, C-CFSR, and EQRO. Long- term
Transformation Manager Suggested Qualifications A Transformation Manager should have: Lived experience as a youth or biological or adoptive parent; Experience navigating the public Mental/Behavioral Health, Child Welfare systems; Willingness to use his/her experiences to share pertinent insights and solutions towards the Community Team process; Ability to engage and collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds, systems and perspectives; Ability to maintain a non-judgmental attitude; Experience in wraparound and/or systems of care (preferred); Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience and excellent communication skills.
Core Practice Model Fiscal Task Force Recommendations Statewide Adoption of the Core Practice Model Finance Training, Coaching and Supervision; and Align and Clarify Child Welfare and Mental Health Programs. Reduction of Group Home and Other Institutional Placements Shorten the Length of Stay in Group Homes Using Crisis Stabilization and Short-Term Treatment Services; Pilot Programs that Demonstrate Effective Alternatives to Group Homes; Enable Services that Support Successful Transitions to Permanency; and Reconfigure Interagency Placement Committees. Resources to Provide Additional Services Reinvest Savings into Child Welfare and Mental Health Services; Maximize Federal Financial Participation; and Fund Sources for the Non-Federal Share of the Title XIX Services and Non- Traditional Services.
Pathways to Well-Being Implementation Tool Review the Pathways to Well-Being Tool at your table 1. Pick one of the areas and discuss; 2. For each subtopic under that area, discuss how you have collaboratively planned between MH and CWS in this area; 3. If you complete that area, go on to another one; 4. Be prepared to report out/discuss the questions on the next slide.
Report out after working on the planning tool What is one great thing you have done in your area for collaborative planning? What key policy support do you need? What key training/coaching/mentoring support do you need? Any additional collaborative planning you are thinking of doing with regards to the Joint Management Task Force Recommendations?