DEC Marine WALIS Marine Group 24 September 2009 Mark Sheridan
TALK OUTLINE DEC broad role and marine responsibilities DEC broad role and marine responsibilities DEC Spatial information groups DEC Spatial information groups DEC Marine parks and reserves DEC Marine parks and reserves Spatial information used/key layers for DEC marine responsibilities Spatial information used/key layers for DEC marine responsibilities DEC Custodial spatial information DEC Custodial spatial information
DEC Role DEC’s Mission “Working with the community, we will ensure that Western Australia’s environment is valued, protected and conserved, for its intrinsic value, and for the appreciation and benefit of present and future generations.” DEC is lead agency responsible for protecting and conserving the State’s environment on behalf of people of Western Australia. DEC is lead agency responsible for protecting and conserving the State’s environment on behalf of people of Western Australia. Includes- managing the State’s terrestrial and marine reserves - regulating/assessing many aspects of the use of the State’s natural resources - development of environmental protection policies - managing environmental impact assessment processes and regulations - managing contaminated sites and pollution incidents - fire preparedness - climate change initiatives Administers acts such as Administers acts such as - Conservation and Land Management Act Wildlife Conservation Act parts of Environmental Protection Act 1986
DEC - Marine Responsibilities within WA coastal waters include: establish and manage a world-class system of representative marine parks and reserves establish and manage a world-class system of representative marine parks and reserves (marine nature reserves, marine parks, marine management areas) contribute to development of marine environmental protection policies contribute to development of marine environmental protection policies manage marine environmental impact assessment processes manage marine environmental impact assessment processes broad role to manage, regulate and assess many aspects of the use of WA’s marine environment broad role to manage, regulate and assess many aspects of the use of WA’s marine environment carry out regulatory functions to improve marine environmental outcomes carry out regulatory functions to improve marine environmental outcomes (Whale Patrol - ABC Thurs 15 Oct 8:30pm)
DEC - Main marine groups DEC Marine Policy and Planning Branch DEC Marine Policy and Planning Branch Responsible for overall marine parks and reserves program in DEC, including - establishment of new marine parks and reserves - marine policy advice to DEC corporate executive and the Minister for the Environment, - strategic co-ordination of marine activities within the Dept. - assist Marine Parks and Reserves Authority to carry out their statutory functions, - provide strategic focus for liaison with external clients and stakeholders in relation to marine policy and planning DEC Marine Science Program DEC Marine Science Program - Provides scientific information necessary for the implementation and management of marine parks and reserves - provide scientific and policy advice to DEC corporate executive and the Minister for the Environment, DEC regions and branches DEC Environmental Management Branch DEC Environmental Management Branch - C o-ordinates DEC’s submissions to Environmental Protection Authority for environmental assessment of development proposals, in consultation with the Marine Parks and Reserves Authority - assesses potential environmental impact of activities such as mining and petroleum exploration/extraction on the marine environment DEC Marine Ecosystems Branch DEC Marine Ecosystems Branch - P rovides specific advice direct to the Environmental Protection Authority on marine environmental quality (mainly water quality) and EPA policy DEC Nature Protection Branch DEC Nature Protection Branch - A dministers and oversees enforcement of Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 (eg recovery plans for threatened species, management programs for wildlife) DEC Regions DEC Regions - Operational management of DEC managed marine estate (marine parks and reserves) in conjunction with Dept of Fisheries. - Operational management of marine flora and fauna outside the reserve system where indicated under Wildlife Conservation Act Support role in the implementation of new marine parks and reserves.
DEC - Spatial Information groups Marine Information Section at DEC MPPB Marine Information Section at DEC MPPB - services the marine reserve implementation and management programs, and policy needs EPA Spatial Services Unit at DEC Atrium EPA Spatial Services Unit at DEC Atrium - services the Environmental Protection Authority Information Services Branch Information Services Branch - services broader DEC with a terrestrial information focus DEC regions DEC regions - localised GIS capacity to service local management needs
Gazetted May 2009 WA’s Marine Parks and Reserves
Key layers for Marine Parks and Reserves implementation and management - High resolution bathymetry - Marine habitat/biodiversity mapping - Marine fauna distributions/abundance (dugongs, whales, turtles, etc) - Geoscience (sediment cells, substrate, geomorphology, geology) - Human usage (cultural, recreational, commercial esp fishing) - Infrastructure (historical, current and future, coastal access points, pipelines, wells, etc) - Tenure/administration (cadastre, native title, ports, petroleum tenements, etc) - Coastline (HWM, LWM to determine native title, tenure availability) - Contextual layers (nautical charts, aerial photography, satellite imagery, etc)
Marine habitats Marine habitats Marine fauna abundance and distributions (also WA Museum) Marine fauna abundance and distributions (also WA Museum) Marine reserve boundaries (TD, brochures, management plans, etc) Marine reserve boundaries (TD, brochures, management plans, etc) Pollutants and water quality databases Pollutants and water quality databases (Marine Ecosystems Branch) MSP statewide marine monitoring data MSP statewide marine monitoring data (Marine Science Program - getting established, focus on marine conservation reserves) DEC Custodial marine datasets