English, Language Arts, Reading Students learn comprehension strategies which helps them make sense of what they are reading. Students learn comprehension strategies which helps them make sense of what they are reading. Students will read with understanding and fluency in various genres. Students will read with understanding and fluency in various genres. Language Arts concepts will give students an understanding of grammar and sentence structure along with spelling patterns. Language Arts concepts will give students an understanding of grammar and sentence structure along with spelling patterns.
Math Students will demonstrate their ever- growing knowledge by applying math in everyday situations. Students will demonstrate their ever- growing knowledge by applying math in everyday situations. Students will demonstrate fluency of math facts and utilize problem solving and reasoning strategies. Students will demonstrate fluency of math facts and utilize problem solving and reasoning strategies.
Science and Social Studies Students will learn and apply the scientific method to conduct a variety of investigations and experiments to learn about our natural world. Students will learn and apply the scientific method to conduct a variety of investigations and experiments to learn about our natural world. Students will become knowledgeable, global citizens through the study of geography, celebrations, people, and history. Students will become knowledgeable, global citizens through the study of geography, celebrations, people, and history.
Arrival Bell rings at 7:35 a.m. Bell rings at 7:35 a.m. Students are tardy if they are not in the room by 7:45 a.m. Students are tardy if they are not in the room by 7:45 a.m. Instruction begins at this point, so it is imperative that the children arrive on time. Instruction begins at this point, so it is imperative that the children arrive on time. Three times being tardy will result in your child having lunch detention. Three times being tardy will result in your child having lunch detention. Supervision in the cafeteria is available beginning at 7:00 a.m. Supervision in the cafeteria is available beginning at 7:00 a.m. Breakfast is provided to all students free of charge. Breakfast is provided to all students free of charge. Parents are asked not to walk the child to the room. Your child should be beginning to assume certain responsibilities, so please allow him/her to do so. Parents are asked not to walk the child to the room. Your child should be beginning to assume certain responsibilities, so please allow him/her to do so. Children are not allowed in the main hallways or classrooms prior to 7:35 a.m. and are expected to be in the cafeteria at the assigned tables. Children are not allowed in the main hallways or classrooms prior to 7:35 a.m. and are expected to be in the cafeteria at the assigned tables.
Parents entering the building for any reason must wear a name tag from the front office.
Communication Please all three teachers when: Please all three teachers when: Your child is absent (ahead of time if you know) Your child is absent (ahead of time if you know) Your child will miss part of the day (doctor, etc.) Your child will miss part of the day (doctor, etc.) Your child will go home a different way (by lunch time if possible) Your child will go home a different way (by lunch time if possible) Fall/Spring conferences will be coming. Please if additional conferences are needed. Fall/Spring conferences will be coming. Please if additional conferences are needed.
Sending Money When sending money to school for lunch, field trips, etc., please send it in a Ziploc bag or sealed envelope with the student’s name on it. It is hard to determine who sent money when everyone is putting it in the same basket. When sending money to school for lunch, field trips, etc., please send it in a Ziploc bag or sealed envelope with the student’s name on it. It is hard to determine who sent money when everyone is putting it in the same basket. Please send the correct amount. We cannot give change. Please send the correct amount. We cannot give change.
Eating We eat lunch in the cafeteria from 10:45 – 11:15. Your child may bring a lunch or buy lunch (money on lunch card). You are welcome (and encouraged) to join your child for lunch. We eat lunch in the cafeteria from 10:45 – 11:15. Your child may bring a lunch or buy lunch (money on lunch card). You are welcome (and encouraged) to join your child for lunch. Please pack a small snack (can be eaten in 5 minutes) for the afternoon. Students may not share snacks due to allergies. Please pack a small snack (can be eaten in 5 minutes) for the afternoon. Students may not share snacks due to allergies.
Dress Code Students are expected to follow the school dress code as outlined in the student planner. Students are expected to follow the school dress code as outlined in the student planner. Feel free to send a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their locker. Feel free to send a light jacket or sweater for your child to keep in their locker. Please send a change of clothes in a labeled Ziploc to keep in the locker. Please send a change of clothes in a labeled Ziploc to keep in the locker. It is a good idea for your child to wear sneakers on PE days. It is a good idea for your child to wear sneakers on PE days. Girls should wear shorts under their dresses so they can play at recess. Girls should wear shorts under their dresses so they can play at recess.
Homework Due at the beginning of class. Due at the beginning of class. Ten points off per day if HW is late. Ten points off per day if HW is late. Student will write in the planner daily and teacher will stamp (also on websites). Student will write in the planner daily and teacher will stamp (also on websites). HW should be practice work that the student can do independently. HW should be practice work that the student can do independently.
Homework Schedule Monday : ELAR (English Language Arts and Reading) Monday : ELAR (English Language Arts and Reading) Tuesday : ELAR Tuesday : ELAR Wednesday: Math Wednesday: Math Thursday: Science/SS (Social Studies) Thursday: Science/SS (Social Studies) By Friday: 30 minutes of iStation and 30 minutes of Moby Max per week (log-in information inside planner soon). By Friday: 30 minutes of iStation and 30 minutes of Moby Max per week (log-in information inside planner soon).
Folders Planner and Homework folder come to school each day and go home each day. Planner and Homework folder come to school each day and go home each day. Communication folders contain school-wide information. They go home on Thursdays and come back on Fridays. Communication folders contain school-wide information. They go home on Thursdays and come back on Fridays. Red Graded Work folders go home on Fridays. Please sign and return on Mondays. Red Graded Work folders go home on Fridays. Please sign and return on Mondays. Grades can be accessed through the Students and Parents section on the portal at Grades can be accessed through the Students and Parents section on the portal at
Core Enrichment Students attend a daily core enrichment class. These include: Art Computer Music Physical Education (PE) Sign Language. Additionally, students take French and visit the library once a week.
Birthdays Please let us know if you will be sending snacks for your child’s birthday. Please let us know if you will be sending snacks for your child’s birthday. Snacks may only include: store-bought cookies, and water/juice. No cupcakes please! Snacks may only include: store-bought cookies, and water/juice. No cupcakes please! Parents are asked not to send additional treats or goody bags. Parents are asked not to send additional treats or goody bags.
Scholastic Book Orders Book order forms will be sent home monthly. Buying books is optional; however the class receives free books based on orders. Methods of ordering books include: order books online (best way) send one check (payable to Scholastic) Codes are found on the teacher’s websites.
Volunteers Opportunities will include: room parent field trip chaperones readers special guests. All volunteers must be cleared through HISD; please return your form as soon as possible. Volunteers and chaperones are encouraged to wear the tie-dyed Rogers shirt. Chaperones are there to actively supervise students. Also, students are not allowed to leave from the field trip.
PTO Membership We encourage you to become active in our Rogers PTO! We encourage you to become active in our Rogers PTO! The organization provides many parent involvement activities to support the students, teachers, and the school. The organization provides many parent involvement activities to support the students, teachers, and the school.
Contact Information Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher regarding any questions you might have at (leave a message) or by at: Ms. Hilderman: Mrs. Lambert: Ms. Prevot: