Dolphins and their dangers caused by the Chap Lap Kok airport Produced by Katherine Collins- Taylor and Angel Chau Yr7.8
Introduction n Hello there, Good to see you. Now in this power point you will be able to learn how why dolphins have been dying and why are the Dolphins and their dangers caused by the Chap Lap Kok airport.
Did you know? n Did you know that in dolphins died because of the new airport. Also some of them died because of the pollution that was dumped into the sea and all of the noise there was.
Stop it don’t do it n Stop it, It's not good to kill pink Dolphins they didn't do anything wrong so we should be hurting them or killing them look at them they are so sweet.
The dolphins don’t deserve to die because what we have isn't good enough, they help us they boost our economy because tourists come to watch them. Do they deserve to die? Dolphin deaths in the years of the building of the airport
The Pink Dolphins n Pink Dolphins around the area of Hong Kong are also known as Sousa Chinesis. They are now only 100 pink dolphins and there used to be n Look how nice we are.
Ways of prevention n Eat organic vegetables and fruits Pesticides, especially organ chlorines, can persist in the environment and often end up in the oceans. n Conserve water The less water goes down your drain, the more efficiently your sewage system can treat sewage. n Eat less seafood Much of our seafood is caught in destructive ways: dynamite fishing, cyanide fishing, and driftnets. Around the world, fisheries are being overexploited. n Use "cleaner" household cleansers Read the labels on detergents, polishes, disinfectants, etc., and choose those that damage the environment less. Ask your local green group for advice. n Buy hemp clothing or unbleached cotton Normal cotton is a very pesticide-intensive crop. Hemp is generally grown without pesticides. Bleaching fabrics is a very polluting process. n Don't buy shells, coral, or other marine animal products By buying these things, you encourage people to go out and get more. this can often lead to destruction of the marine environment. n Cut down on consumption generally Everything you buy is shipped around the world by airplane, boat, or truck. Manufacturing processes use up raw materials and create pollution. Think about this every time you want to buy something, and ask yourself how badly you need it. n Take fewer photographs Ever wonder what happens to the chemicals they use to develop your film? I do. Why don't you ask the people who do it for you? n Cut down petroleum usage Petroleum is shipped around the world in boats. Every once in a while, these boats crash, and spill tons of oil into the sea. If you used less, they'd ship less.
Continued Eat organic vegetables and fruits Eat organic vegetables and fruits Pesticides, especially organ chlorines, can persist in the environment and often end up in the oceans. n Conserve water The less water goes down your drain, the more efficiently your sewage system can treat sewage. n Eat less seafood Much of our seafood is caught in destructive ways: dynamite fishing, cyanide fishing, and driftnets. Around the world, fisheries are being overexploited. n Use "cleaner" household cleansers Read the labels on detergents, polishes, disinfectants, etc., and choose those that damage the environment less. Ask your local green group for advice. n Buy hemp clothing or unbleached cotton Normal cotton is a very pesticide-intensive crop. Hemp is generally grown without pesticides. Bleaching fabrics is a very polluting process. n Don't buy shells, coral, or other marine animal products By buying these things, you encourage people to go out and get more. this can often lead to destruction of the marine environment. n Cut down on consumption generally Everything you buy is shipped around the world by airplane, boat, or truck. Manufacturing processes use up raw materials and create pollution. Think about this every time you want to buy something, and ask yourself how badly you need it. n Take fewer photographs Ever wonder what happens to the chemicals they use to develop your film? I do. Why don't you ask the people who do it for you? n Cut down petroleum usage n Petroleum is shipped around the world in boats. Every once in a while, these boats crash, and spill tons of oil into the sea. If you used less, they'd ship less.
n Producers: n Sally Callister n Ringo n Director: n Sally Callister n Presenters: n Sally Callister n Ringo n Researchers: n Ringo n Sally Callister n Executive Director: n Ringo n Make-Up Artists: n Ringo Special Effects Director: n Ringo n Sally Callister n Scenery Crew: n Sally Callister Save the Dolphins