Native American Homes Influences –Environment –Culture Characteristics –Simple structures, dirt floors –No windows or chimneys –Dark and crowded –Little furniture –Possessions stored on shelves hung from walls Aaron Mang, Greensburg High School, 1000 E. Central, Greensburg, IN
The First Colonists No shelter upon landing Had few tools and materials Followed native people examples Most were temporary –Huts of bark and branches –Shed like roofed house built into the side of a hill Aaron Mang, Greensburg High School, 1000 E. Central, Greensburg, IN
Swedish Settlements American log cabin has Swedish origins Primitive, small building Sometimes divided into 2 rooms with an attic above Originally roof was of bark or thatch Wood shingles used later Modified from one-room to two-rooms connected with breezeway –Known as a dog-trot Aaron Mang, Greensburg High School, 1000 E. Central, Greensburg, IN