Water Quality Module 5:1
Importance of Clean Water Health Environment Recreation Natural beauty Module 5:2
Water Pollution Types of Pollution Chemicals Bacteria Sediment Nutrients Sources of Pollution Industry Individuals Module 5:3
Surface Water vs Ground Water Module 5:4 Photo credit: © American Ground Water Trust
How do Contaminants Get Into the Water? 1.Directly 2.Runoff 3.Wind 4.Leaching Module 5:5
What’s Polluting Our Water? 1.Bacteria 2.Sediment 3.Nutrients 4.Chemicals Module 5:6
1. Bacteria Sources: Human waste Manure, pet & wildlife deposits Module 5:7
Bacteria: Health Effects Stomach cramps Diarrhea Kidney failure Death (in rare cases) Module 5:8
Bacteria: Solutions 1. Proper septic system installation 2. Proper septic system maintenance Regular inspections Regular pump-outs Reduce input Protect filter bed Improve system when increasing load Module 5:9
Bacteria: Solutions 3. Pick up after pets 4. Don’t feed the waterfowl Module 5:10 Photo credit: Wisconsin DNR
2. Sediment Sources: Dirt roads & paths Gardens & farm fields Imported beach sand Construction Increased by: Removing plants Adding hard surfaces Altering the natural watercourse Module 5:11
Sediment: Impacts Adds chemicals Adds nutrients Clouds the water Module 5:12
Sediment: Impacts Poor swimming Navigation problems Module 5:13
Sediment: Solutions 1.Maximize vegetation 2.Cover exposed soil 3.Minimize hard surfaces 4.Avoid altering water courses & shorelines Module 5:14
3. Nutrients Sources: Fertilizers Detergents & cleaners Septic system leachate Module 5:15 Photo credit: Washington State Department of Ecology
Nutrients: Impacts Module 5:16
Nutrients: Solutions 1.Use low phosphate detergents and cleaners Module 5:17
Nutrients: Solutions 2.Avoid the use of fertilizers 3.Maintain your septic system Module 5:18
4. Chemicals Sources: Household cleaners Paints & solvents Gas, oil, antifreeze, break fluid & grease Module 5:19
Chemicals: Impacts Poses health risks to us Contaminates drinking water Alters pH balance Harmful to wildlife and aquatic life Module 5:20
Chemicals: Solutions 1. Alternative cleaners Non-toxic All ingredients disclosed Plant-based Phosphate & petroleum free Biodegrade quickly 2. Vinegar, baking soda, borax Module 5:21
Chemicals: Solutions 3. Dispose of hazardous waste properly 4. Maintain cars and boats Module 5:22
Chemicals: Solutions 5. Fill up and repair away from the water 6. Clean-up spills properly & immediately Module 5:23
Water Testing Module 5:24
Testing Your Drinking Water Test for bacteria regularly Test for other contaminants if you suspect a problem Module 5:25
Interpreting Bacterial Test Results Only water with a count of 0 Total Coliform and/or 0 E.coli is safe to drink Sterilize contaminated water Identify source of problem & fix it Adopt preventative habits Module 5:26
Testing Your Surface Water Professional tests: Take samples and send to a lab Tests you can do yourself: Water clarity Temperature Dissolved oxygen Total phosphorus Module 5:27 Photo credit:
Case Study: “Watershed Watch” Mississippi and Rideau Valley watersheds Relies heavily on volunteer monitoring Establishes baseline data Will give an indication of lake health Module 5:28
Every Little Bit Helps Take action! Encourage others Learn more Module 5:29 Courtesy of: Jennifer Brownlee
We Can Make a Difference…Together Module 5:30