T h e T o u c a n The toucan is a part of the bird family and lives in tropical areas. They feed on tropical fruits, spiders, lizards, frogs and snakes.
The Cassowary The Cassowary is part of the bird family and live in tropical areas. They eat fruit such as berries and eat insects and very small animals.
Bird Of Paradise The bird of paradise flies high up in the emergent layers of the rainforest. They feed on worms and ants.
Butterflies Butterflies are found mainly in warm climates, but can be found all over the world. Butterflies feed on nectar from flowers and spread pollen so more flowers can grow.
Ants Ants are insects that are found all over the world. The popular children's song, The Ants Go Marching, begins a progression of a single ant marching through ten rather tedious verses,
Caterpillars Caterpillars are found all over the world and come in all shapes and sizes. They eat leaves leaves and food scraps.
Unlike the African leopard, which looks very much like a jaguar, the jaguar does not have to hide its food into a tree, because there are no other animals in South America that would try to take it away from a jaguar.
The jaguar is a threatened species and some of it is due to their loss of habitat. Jaguars are herbivores and eat the grass of the amazon and congo rainforests.
The jaguar is my favourite rain forest animal because when their young their cute and cuddly, but when their older their vicious.