Borders Carers Information Strategy: Work with GPs Fiona Morrison Jack Ingle Stephen Bermingham 3 rd February 2010
NHS Borders Carers Information Strategy Built on the good work already achieved in the Borders through the Joint Carers Strategy Aims to further develop and support for carers by making sure front line staff are aware of their needs and what support exists for them The major gap identified in drafting both of the strategies was the level of support to carers via GPs A lack of awareness was recognised by GPs themselves when they all but one signed up to the Direct Enhanced Service for carers This opened the door for the Carers Centre and with support from local GPs we arranged a half day awareness and training session for GPs
GP Training This session was over subscribed a key theme coming from GPs was the lack of knowledge and information they had on carers issues The day was co-presented with a number of volunteer carers sharing their experiences – this was particularly well received One of the GPs wrote to us to say; “the highlight for me was the panel of carers who spoke about their experience and the difference that the Carers Centre can make on their lives”
Action Plan Working more proactively with GPs’ to help them to: –Identify hidden carers –Keep their carers registers up to date –Pass on information about assessments –How and when to refer carers –Provide up to date annual information on their plans and methods of identifying and supporting carers
Identification of Carers by GPs Stage 1: Carers identified though a number of channels Stage 2: Agree with the carer to have a “carers flag” on their file Stage 3:Additional information provided by carer Stage 4:Discuss with carer what support is needed & make referral Stage 5: Referral to Carers Centre
Carers Centre Services Provided Advice, Information and support Adult carers support groups (generic) Newsletter Home visits Training for carers Training for professionals Complimentary therapies Access to counselling Social events Benefits advice Grants and funding Advocacy Carers information pack A voice in planning of local services Young Carers groups 1 to 1 support for young carers Activities for young carers Support through hospital discharge
Carers Identification Pack – A copy of the ‘Identification of carers by GPs’ flowchart for use by referring practice team members –A template Carers Identification / Consent form which can be used by practices for their recording purposes and for referral to Princess Royal Trust Borders Carers Centre –The Carers Centre information on the services they provide –An ‘Information for Carers’ pink handbook was developed –‘Carers Self-Assessment and Record of Need’ packs
Impact of GP Referral Project Referrals from GPs to the Carers Centre –2007: 9 –2008: 95 –2009: 195 –Post training their was an upsurge in requests from GPs for Carers Information Packs –The demand for the packs was due to an increased in awareness amongst GPs of the needs of carers
GP Feedback from Training Day Very positive with all saying it was very good or excellent “prior to the training there was a lack of awareness amongst primary care staff as to carers issue and the Carers Centre” “by understanding their needs we are better equipped to provide a decent service to carers” “Knowing the Carers Centre is there for carers makes me feel less impotent”
Feedback cont “it was really humbling to listen to the carers experiences and a good lesson learned” “the GPs I spoke to afterwards all felt that what they had learned a great deal and would improve their future practice when dealing with carers”
Key Messages CIS funding has helped promote partnership working to support carers Information is most effectively delivered though a combination of training, ongoing contact and support Involving carers in raising awareness has a significant impact on health care professionals Carers now receive a better service from GPs due to working relationship with the carers centre Need to build on the success of the CIS as carers expectations and GP referrals have increased Any questions?