GECAFS Indo-Gangetic Plains
Western Region (1, 2 & 3) high productivity – food surplus high investment in infrastructure major use of fertilisers and ground- water for irrigation in-migration of labour Eastern Region (4 & 5) low productivity – food deficit poor infrastructure and low inputs of fertilizer and water high risk of flooding out-migration of labour IGP General Characteristics
The IGP food system is both threatened by GEC and contributes to further GEC “forcing”. In the face of increased climate variability, policy requirements are to develop strategies that: a)sustain/boost agricultural production while limiting further environmental degradation b)promote food systems which improve socioeconomic conditions for the more vulnerable c)encourage reduced intra-regional labour migration Research needs to recognise the marked socioeconomic and biophysical differences across the region. Context
Conditions & Scenarios Current Food Systems Adapted Food Systems What will be the consequences of changed water management on rural livelihoods, intra- regional trade, GHG emissions and water tables? How will climate variability affect change in water demand in IGP food systems? How can changes in water management (e.g. though policy instruments and/or agronomic aspects) reduce vulnerability of rice-wheat productivity to climate variability? IGP Western Sub-Region Characterisation and GECAFS Questions high productivity – food surplus region high investment in infrastructure major use of fertilisers and ground-water for irrigation in-migration of labour
Conditions & Scenarios Current Food Systems Adapted Food Systems How would diversification effect rural incomes, labour migration, water quality and regional biodiversity? How will climate variability affect vulnerability of resource-poor farmers to flooding? What are the market opportunities, social constraints and technical options for diversifying crops (e.g. aquaculture) to make more effective use of flood and groundwater? IGP Eastern Sub-Region Characterisation and GECAFS Questions low productivity – food deficit region poor infrastructure and low inputs of fertilizer and water high risk of flooding out-migration of labour
Food system determinants Food System ComponentKey DeterminantGreater Faridpur, BDGujrat, PK Food Utilisation Nutritional ValueFood diversityLowOK Primary proteinpulsesmeat/pulse/milk Effect of food processing on food quality decreases quality Social ValueSocial bonding/celebrationsimportant but weakeningimportant Role of food in kinshipweakening Esteem from agricultural production/ farmer identity HH self-suficency valued Food SafetyPublic awareness re hygieneLowlow Presence of pathogens contaminationArsenic in drinking waterpesticides in water Storage conditionsPoorunknown
Food System Determinants (2) Food Access Determinant BangladeshPakistan Affordabilityhousehold incomesGenerally lowmedium/high proportion of food purchased60% self-sufficient in rice? Policy support?Conducive govt. policy but inadequate institutional support ? Allocation Control over own productionsharcroppers get small share? Degree of market influencemarket-driven? Government intervention re markets Inadequateadequate Market efficiency (storage capacity, integration…) low or poor?? PreferencePreferred carbohydrateRice dominates culturallywheat, rice second preferred proteinFish but expensiveEat what produce Consumption patternschanging towards more commercially processed food ??