Service Information Directory Allan Bridges Chris Wright
Background Cardiology in Consultant,1 secretary GP/practice on call 2 phone nos for clinic,ECG dept 2.5WTE
consultants,10 clinics,6 secretaries >20 phone nos for Open access ECGs,echoes,24 hr tapes,BP machines Rapid access chest pain clinics,AF clinic Nurse led clinics heart failure (4),palliative care,exercise heart failure service,post MI,post PCI,pre angio Cardiology dept >30 WTEs
RACPC Meet with GPs Protocol for RACPC service had a “launch” No overall co ordination
Hospital Services Transitional arrangements -new protocols -new communication pathways -new ways of working -CAU,MIU, A/E -approx 50% of GPs didn’t know consultants and vice versa
Primary Care In hours GP service OOH and NHS 24 4 hour A and E wait Turnover of GPs,out of Area GPs SAS
Summary Departments redesigned and expanded Each individual service component excellent Hospitals radically altered working arrangements Primary care changed LACK OF CLARITY and ORGANISATION
Service Information Directory Aims -improve access for patient to right service -improve communication between primary and secondary care -reduce number of admissions
SID Primarily a directory,collation of current information-hospital based- focussed on medical model Addition of clinical effectiveness and referral system Potential primary care services,nurse /AHP led services Community/LA services/crisis services Patient information