South Central Library System Delivery Services Overview
Delivery Income Sources 2013 Budget Total SCLS 2013 Income Budget
Delivery Expenses Budget 2013 Total SCLS 2013 Expense Budget Delivery 2013 Expense Budget
The Two Businesses of Delivery Service to Member Libraries Service to Non-Member Libraries
Why Service to Non-Members? There was no delivery network in place to connect regional delivery networks and other types of libraries in the state in support of ILL. The Postal Service (and other package delivery outfits like UPS, FedEx) was costly and not always the fastest. SCLS piloted, with LSCA funds, delivery routes to various participants in NE & SE WI. It was very successful in that is was cheaper for everyone and, most of the time, faster. In short, this service was needed and no one was doing anything about it, so we (Bob Blitzke and Peter Hamon) decided to do it.
$ The revenue we receive from non- member libraries is more than the amount it costs to provide delivery service to non-member libraries.
Trifecta of System Funding State Aid Interest Delivery Profit Think of it as supplemental state aid and member fees. It can be thought to cover all areas.
Sources of Funding by Department Revenue Source ILSTechnologyConsultingAdministration & ILL DeliveryTotals State Aid$0$234,000$727,163$702,260$393,944$2,057,367 Interest$33,000 Member Delivery by County $381,892 Other Delivery Library $8,115 Multi-Type/ Inter-System Delivery $1,325,734 WLA Rent$21,651 ILS/Tech Member Payments $1,112,343$745,122$1,857,465 Other$9,960$162,702$75,000$172,662 Totals$1,112,343$989,082$727,163$919,613$2,184,685$5,857,886
At First Glance $800,000 from state aid and member fees $1,400,000 from non-member fees If just SCLS, cost of current service would be in $1,200,000 range. Much would need to be reconsidered…positions, facility, etc. Difference due to fixed shared overhead costs and increased profitability of UW Contract. Initial estimate is SCLS funding needs to increase around $90,000 or 12% Still working on settling statewide service levels. Much to be determined. Does not include the other work we need to do to determine real expected costs and needed revenue.
Quite Secure A large part of what we do for non-members is on very solid ground. A large portion of service we provide to non-members exists within our borders. A central distribution hub is necessary for this service. What may change is we do less routes outside our borders. This may be either less frequency or expansion of subcontracting to other couriers.
What We Can Do? Seek and implement efficiencies. Review expenditures to trim where possible and also determine areas with increases. Consider and pursue other business. Consider delivery service reductions where possible in regards to load capacities. Consider fee increases.