1st QUALLL Conference Bled, March 24th, 2011
Switzerland 8 Mio. inhabitants Area km 2 20% migrants 3.8% unemployed adults 5.5% unemployment among young people
Switzerland No government department for Adult Education 26 cantons - each one has its own educational system Federal level: vocational and further education Cantonal level: general and informal Adult Education Today Adult Education is mentioned in the constitution A law for Adult Education is in process
Fathers of eduQua State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology BBT Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education Federation of Swiss Employment Offices Swiss Federation For Adult Learning SVEB
What is eduQua THE qualitiy label for Adult Learning in Switzerland Exists since year 2000 Defines six quality criteria 995 certified institutions A methodical-didactical label 3 years valid documentation, audit on place, and two intermediate audits Costs 2000 Euros (200 Euros for eduQua main office) Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Agency SAS Seven accredited Certificating Agencies in whole Switzerland
Goals Secure and develop the quality of institutions in the field of adult learning to establish a basis for requests of subsidies Professionalisation of the Trainers Improve the transparency for customers
Swiss Module System «Train the trainer»
Target groups State subsidised institutions Providers of labour market measures Private institutions In-company adult continuing education
Relations of the quality criteria 1. Offers that satisfy the educational needs and demands of the customers / society 2. Lasting learning effects for the participants 3. Committed educators (trainers), who are methodically, didactically and professionally up to date 4. A transparent representation of the offers and the pedagogical concept 5. Active quality management that is promoted by an appropriate management system 6. A customer-oriented, economical, efficient and effective provision of services Client/Participant
General criteria Information about Institution Information about offers Chart Organisation Q-Ensurance/Development Qualification of trainers continuous education of trainers Planing and development of offers Market orientation Selection of participants Controlling and further development of the offers Development work Controlling und measures Evaluation of the Realization Professional visitation of the courses Methods of evaluation/feedback Results of the feedbacks and measures Realization Definition of objectifs, contents Teaching methods, adult-orientation Measured learning impact, specific concept for feedbacks
Improvement on different process levels Lead educational provider develop improve plan lead educational provider lead Self-assessment Management- Review Development offers / courses develop improve plan lead provide offers Evaluation of offers presettings 2. Philosophy
Improvement on different process levels Hold trainings (Trainer and Client) develop improve plan lead Hold trainingsTraining evaluation Hold trainings (Trainer) develop improve plan lead Hold trainingsDaily self-reflection presettings 2. Philosophy
eduQua main office Oerlikonerstrasse 38 CH-8038 Zürich Switzerland T. +41 (0) M.
Personal remarks after 10 years experience Value of the certification -For institutions -For trainers/educators/teachers -For customers Further development of the system -New impacts from ISO Standard or Label? -Internationality?
The 6 Quality Criterias 1. Offers that satisfy the educational needs and demands of the customers / society Periodical observation / orientation of the market Use of appropriate tools to define the needs of the customers Customer satisfaction proven by periodical surveys An instance of appeal can be found in the certifying body’s regulation The dropout rate is known. Dropout-reasons are analysed and appropriate measures are taken
The 6 Quality Criterias 2. Lasting learning effects for the participants The objectives are clearly defined and have been achieved The teaching methods are convincing and adult-orientated The learning impact can be measured It exists a concept for feedbacks at the end of a course
The 6 Quality Criterias 3. A transparent representation of the offers and the pedagogical concept Precise, complete and convincing information material (flyers, website, brochures The pedagogical concept is understood Overall concept and organization chart
The 6 Quality Criterias 4. A customer-oriented, economical, efficient and effective provision of services Clearly defined target group Duration of the offer is adapted to the objectives Good price-performance ratio and price in line with the market Smooth and efficient administration formalities Congruence of the target group and the participants
The 6 Quality Criteria 5. Committed educators (trainers), who are methodically, didactically and professionally up to date A written recuitement policy for educators / trainers (certificate SVEB 1) Professional qualification and practical experience in the specific field Methodical-didactical qualifcations and experience in adult education Regular professional an pedagogic further education activities Educators receive regularly direct feedback Offers organised in a appropriate way for adult education Participants who are satisfied about the educators
The 6 Quality Criteria 6. Awareness for quality development and quality assurance is at hand Supplementary quality management (i.e. ISO) or own quality management is available An evaluation concept must exist Organisation chart or action chart mus be at hand Regular (at least annual) events about didactical/methodical and/or adult education themes (further education activities, intervision, supervision, team meetings,...)
Some critical questions to the following goal: Improve the transparency for customers What are the reasons to choose a definite provider and offer? QUALITY ! But, what means quality to the provider? How can he communicate it‘s ideas? But, what means quality for the costumer? Is he willing to understand the message? What are the real facts for the decision?