11 Mobile GIS Technology >GTI’s technology for tracking and traceability with ASTM F2897: ─Tablet computer with mobile GIS data collection software ─High accuracy GPS receiver (connected via Bluetooth) ─Barcode scanner (connected via Bluetooth) ─Application to convert barcodes into asset attributes to auto populate the GIS ─Fusion traceability
22 Integrys >Pilot project of GTI’s barcode and GPS technology >Booklet of barcodes until all assets are barcoded Project Highlight: “Capturing more timely and accurate pipe and fitting information has the potential to significantly improve the as-builting process and to reduce additional follow up work. The bar code scanning technology should significantly reduce some of the manual data entry by the back office GIS staff.” Lesson Learned: “It would be necessary for pipe manufacturers to implement standard barcodes stamped on all their materials in order to most effectively utilize the bar code scanning functionality. Use of laser range finder technology would be helpful for obtaining the most accurate location data for hard to reach areas or areas where satellite coverage is reduced.” Project Highlight: “Capturing more timely and accurate pipe and fitting information has the potential to significantly improve the as-builting process and to reduce additional follow up work. The bar code scanning technology should significantly reduce some of the manual data entry by the back office GIS staff.” Lesson Learned: “It would be necessary for pipe manufacturers to implement standard barcodes stamped on all their materials in order to most effectively utilize the bar code scanning functionality. Use of laser range finder technology would be helpful for obtaining the most accurate location data for hard to reach areas or areas where satellite coverage is reduced.”
33 Fusion Operations >Capture operational information for QA/QC ─Pressure, temperature, soak time, etc. >Retrieve data for root cause analysis after a leak >Identify other potentially problematic fusions for mitigation
44 GTI’s Fusion Tracking and Traceability Technology >Integrate with automated machines to extract select fusion parameter data via Bluetooth >Manual data entry when necessary >Convert parameter data into a barcode >Print barcode label with 50 year life >Grant from the BIRD Foundation and partnership with Nortec
55 Installation Workflow 1.Pipe and fitting manufacturers place barcodes on assets 2.Pipe and fittings are delivered to the jobsite with barcodes intact 3.Fusion operations are performed 4.Fusion machine outputs fusion parameters to a mobile device that converts data into a barcode format (or data is manually entered) 5.Mobile device sends barcode data to a field barcode label printer 6.Barcode label with fusion parameter data is placed next to the fusion 7.Assets with barcodes on pipe, fittings, and fusions are installed in the ditch
66 Mapping Workflow 8.User scans barcodes on pipe, fittings, or fusions 9.Software decrypts barcodes on the tablet in real-time 10.Software creates new GIS features (pipe, valve, tee, fusion) from the decrypted barcode 11.Software automatically populate feature attribute information (material type, batch number, fusion parameters) from barcode 12.Additional asset information automatically added to asset record from predefined job/work order 13.Asset position is defined geospatially using decimeter quality real-time GPS 14.Data is posted to a cloud-hosted GIS in real-time for viewing or integration into the enterprise GIS (Esri or non-Esri) 15.Fusion barcode label with essential data can be read for 50 years
77 Remote QA/QC >Mobile GIS apps on smartphones capture pictures of critical steps throughout the new installation process to document compliance >Pictures are GPS and time stamped >Pictures are sent to the back office in real-time >Monitor the progress of construction from the office >Monitor important steps in the construction process >Maintain QA/QC records