1 Get behind the Fast Track Initiative Global Monitoring Report 2009 Copenhagen 24 March 2009
2 Fast Track Initiative Launched in 2002 by G8 in Canada Objective: To support the achievement of Universal Primary Completion – MDG 2 and 3 Catalytic Fund launched in 2003 Education Program Development Fund in 2005 Education Transition Fund – 2009 (?)
3 FTI – not only about funding and resource mobilisation HIV/AIDS in the education sector plans Guidelines for capacity development Quality stamp of the education sector plans Strengthening harmonization and alignment Promoting equality
4 The Catalytic Fund Pledges till date : 1.5 billion USD Allocations till date : 1.4 billion USD 30 low income countries benefit Last year’s allocation : 343 million USD With 439 million USD the CF covered 9 % of total commitments to basic education in 2006
5 GMR: “FTI is not meeting expectations” - i Commitment to the Catalytic Fund? 2004 : 4 donors 2006 : 11 donors 2008 : 17 donors – Australia, France, Japan, Germany, Switzerland
6 GMR: “FTI is not meeting expectations” - ii Confidence in the Catalytic Fund? FTI supposed to be fast Expectations in Partner Countries Donors’ need for accountability Money spent in accordance with acceptable standards Consequence : Tension and frustration!
7 GMR: “FTI is not meeting expectations” - iii No simple solution! Need for better communication and information Need for clear guidelines The endorsement process The application – EQR FTI preparation vs. Danida preparation time
8 GMR: “FTI is not meeting expectations” - iv Disbursement performance Too many cases taken too long Not conducive for the credibility of FTI Who is to blame? Endorsement and appraisal processes at country level Too much variation in the past Not meeting minimum requirements Analytical work, e.i. fiduciary risk assessment after allocation Who does it? World Bank rules and regulations Consequence: Delays – 2007:126; 2008:214; 2009:340
9 GMR: “FTI is not meeting expectations” - v Faster disbursement performance One solution: Financing modality The more harmonised and aligned – the faster and smoother the disbursement Burkina Faso – Sector Budget Support Zambia – Alternative Supervising Entity – Basket Fund
10 GMR: “FTI is not meeting expectations” - vi “Some countries with newly endorsed plans will not be able to get support at all” Accuracy of figures and statistics – Is it 1 or 2 billion USD per year? GMR says one thing – the FTI Secretariat another Replenishment process Ensure predictability and long term commitment Copenhagen in April 2009
11 GMR 2009 Scope of FTI FTI evaluation FTI meetings in Copenhagen, April 2009 Danish priorities as co-chair Improve FTI governance structure and decision making processes Education in fragile states Aid effectiveness
12 GMR 2009 Thank You!