Why the Arts?
Art is … Creativity Problem-Solving History Culture Arts is what makes us HUMAN!
Benefits Students stay in school Motivated Improved academic achievement Cultural Proficiency Flexibility Collaboration Leadership Persistence
Objectives Updates on: Communication Process ASW Process Pieces of Gold/Gifts of Gold Credit by Demonstrated Mastery
Communication Protocol Response to concerns from Principals Streamline into a weekly process – Principal’s Update – Staff Update Weekly Updates on the Arts Ed WikiArts Ed Wiki
ASW - Important Point 1st Standardized Assessment for the Arts Paper/pencil test insufficient Reflects Growth – not proficiency All Arts Staff participate NCDPI ASW Wiki Local FAQs
Objectives: Using the Strands and Standards guidance charts, the teacher will choose 5 objectives total. 1 objective for each identified class. Objective Selection
Objective/Evidence Selection Keep It Simple! Stay true to the verb in the clarifying objective Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Housed in Google Drive w/links on Arts Ed Wiki
Context for 1 st work sample in each Timelapse Artifact How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? Upload Evidence How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? This artifact was created using an 8 th grade Healthful Living Health Education Class containing 32 students before instruction on the objective began. In this video, the student did not show proper technique in the their performance of CPR in the following ways. 1. The students body position has him sitting on the victims waist. 2. The hands have been placed separately on the victims upper chest. 3. The compressions given are of insufficient depth and are given too slow. 4. The elbows are bending during the compression.
Context for 2 nd work sample in each Timelapse Artifact How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? Upload Evidence How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? This artifact was created using an 8 th grade Health Education Class containing 32 students three class days after instruction began. In this video, the student shows proper technique in the their performance of CPR in the following ways. 1. The student has the proper body position, on his knees next to the victim. 2. The force of the compression is generated from the hips and applied in a vertical direction. 3. The hands are positioned with an interlocking grip. 4. The heel of the bottom hand has been placed on the sternum.
Context for Growth in each Timelapse Artifact Describe the growth that occurred between Points 1 and 2. Upload Evidence Describe the growth that occurred between Points 1 and 2. CPR performed with the technique in video #1 was inadequate and would not have given the victim an opportunity to survive. The technique in video #2 would provide blood flow and oxygen to give the victim a chance of survival
Questions about Educator Effectiveness, NCEES or ASW Visit or NCEES+Wiki or ASW Wiki at You can also questions to Liz Droessler:
Pieces of Gold Audition Info was ed but also posted on Arts Ed Wiki arts-education-wake.wikispaces.com Welcome Mid/High participation (video ok) Broughton High 12/2 & 12/4 Dress Rehearsal & Performance 3/3-4/15 Gifts of Gold Info will be available in October
Credit by Demonstrated Mastery Current Requests in Band, Dance, & Visual Art Requested examples of Final Exams 94% on written exam Audition or portfolio review
Exam Review Rigorous Comprehensive representation of the Essential Standards Districtwide consistency with accountability
Dept. Chair Mtg. Needs