THE PYRAMIDS OF GEEZEH Arts Every Day Model Lesson Robert Bullwinkel, 2013 Essential Question: How do artists and writers create harmony through careful composition?
1) Reading Anchor Standard 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. 2) Reading Anchor Standard 4: Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. 3) Writing Anchor Standard 9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Common Core State Anchor Standards:
VAPA Standards (Grade 6) Visual Arts, Artistic Perception 1.1 Identify and describe all the elements of art found in selected works of art (color, shape/form, line, texture, space, value) Visual Arts, Aesthetic Valuing 4.1 Construct and describe plausible interpretations of what they perceive in works of art. Theatre, Creative Expression 2.3 Write and perform scenes or one-act plays that include monologue, dialogue, action, and setting together with a range of character types.
Integrated Learning Outcome Using reader’s theatre, students will perform a collaborative poem that demonstrates their understanding of composition in painting and in writing.
Text 1) The Pyramids of Geezeh, by David Roberts 2) “A Short Walk through the Pyramids and through the World of Art,” by Phillip Isaacson (From CCSS, Appendix B)
Creative Process: Imagine/Examine/Perceive Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) a) What’s going on in this picture? b) What do you see that makes you say that? c) What else can we find? Great Video linking Common Core to VTS Strategies!
Creative Process: Explore/Experiment/Develop Craft Add Domain Specific Vocabulary: Foreground / Middle Ground / Background Horizon Line Vanishing Point Value
Creative Process: Explore/Experiment/Develop Craft Add Domain Specific Vocabulary: Harmony - all parts of the composition relate to and complement each other.
Analyze Text “A Short Walk through the Pyramids and through the World of Art” Reading Strategy: Highlight or underline words and phrases that stand out to you.
Creative Process: Explore/Experiment/Develop Craft Generate descriptive words and phrases on sentence strips Descriptive words or phrases based on parts of speech (adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc) Phrases using alliteration Phrases relating the theme, emotion or message of the work
Creative Process: Explore/Experiment/Develop Craft Generate descriptive words and phrases on sentence strips Sentence Frames: I see… It feels like… I wonder…
Create Combine the sentence strips to compose a collaborative poem that expresses the understanding of both pieces of text.
Create Work collaboratively to write and perform a reader’s theatre version of the collaborative poem.
Creative Process: Reflect/Assess/Revise Use effective vocal expression, gesture, facial expression and timing. Theatre Checklist: 1. Use two or more choral reading techniques 1. whole group/small group/solo 2. echo words or phrases 3. montage or overlapping phrases and/or sounds 4. repetition of key words or phrases 2. Use at least one sound effect 3. All parts of the performance relate to and complement each other (harmony).
Creative Process: Reflect/Assess/Revise Use effective vocal expression, gesture, facial expression and timing. Theatre Checklist: Use two or more staging techniques tableau (frozen stage picture) pantomime (acting without words) choral movement (same movements at the same time) split focus (two important things happening at the same time levels (high, medium, low)
Creative Process: Reflect/Assess/Revise Use effective vocal expression, gesture, facial expression and timing. Theatre Checklist: 1. Use two or more choral reading techniques 1. whole group/small group/solo 2. echo words or phrases 3. montage or overlapping phrases and/or sounds 4. repetition of key words or phrases 2. Use at least one sound effect 3. All parts of the performance relate to and complement each other (harmony). Use two or more staging techniques tableau (frozen stage picture) pantomime (acting without words) choral movement (same movements at the same time) split focus (two important things happening at the same time levels (high, medium, low)
Creative Process: Time to Share! 1. Unison Play 2. C-P-R (Create, Perform, Revise) 3. Unison Play 4. “Informance”
Authentic Performance-Based Summative Assessment
This lesson was the result of the work done at the Arts Every Day workshop offered through the Fresno County Office of Education.