Spring CSE 5194: Orientation Seminar Link MSwEng Cohort Spring 2013 Mike O’Dell Senior Lecturer & Graduate Advisor Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 5194 Seminar Topics Your status as UTA students General information you might find useful Information specific to the Link MSwEng cohort General Q&A Spring
CSE 5194 Course Requirement Attend the entire session Complete the assignment by the specified dates (more later) Graded: Pass/Fail, based on satisfactory completion of the above. Spring
Link Cohort Student Status Link Cohort Student = UTA Grad Student Afforded all rights and privileges of UTA graduate students Bound by all rules that apply to UTA graduate students Admission Status Unconditional: no stipulations for continuance Provisional: must meet specified conditions within your first semester Probationary: must meet specified conditions within specified timeframe Spring
Some Benefits Access to Maverick Athletic Center (“The MAC”)The MAC Student admission at UTA athletic and enrichment eventsathletic and enrichment events Intramural sports Intramural sports Library access and privileges UTA Main LibraryMain Library Engineering Library in Nedderman Hall Engineering Library Access to student clubs and organizations Office of Information Technology services Office of Information Technology And much, much more…more Spring
MyMav Student Information Repository of information pertinent to each student Student account information & management Add or update contact information Pay bills and fines Get a parking pass Etc. Course search and registration (more on this later) Grades Degree plan progress See the MyMav Tutorial on UTA websiteTutorial Spring
Mav Express Card Student ID Access to student services Access to campus facilities Debit Card Service provided by Wells Fargo Bank Access to Wells Fargo ATMs nationwide Debit services when linked to a Wells Fargo College Checking Account Manage your card online at MavMoney.uta.eduMavMoney.uta.edu See Spring
UTA Honor Code academic integrity honest effort I pledge, on my honor, to uphold UT Arlington's tradition of academic integrity, a tradition that values hard work and honest effort in the pursuit of academic excellence. I will submit only work that I personally create or that I contribute to group collaborationsappropriately reference any work from other sources integrity I promise that I will submit only work that I personally create or that I contribute to group collaborations, and I will appropriately reference any work from other sources. I will follow the highest standards of integrity and uphold the spirit of the Honor Code. Spring
What is Academic Integrity? Being in firm adherence to a code or standard of values A commitment on the part of the students, faculty and staff, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: 1.Honesty 2.Truth 3.Fairness 4.Respect 5.Responsibility Spring
College of Engineering Statement Academic Honesty Academic Honesty: The College of Engineering takes scholastic honesty and ethical behavior very seriously. Engineers are entrusted with the safety, health and well being of the public. Students found guilty of scholastic dishonesty will be punished to the full extent permitted by the rules and regulations of U. T. Arlington. Spring
What is Scholastic Dishonesty? cheatingplagiarism collusion Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and collusion on an examination or an assignment being offered for credit. Each student is accountable for work submitted for credit, including group projects. Spring
What is Scholastic Dishonesty? (cont.) Cheating Copying another's test or assignment Communication with another during an exam or assignment (i.e. written, oral or otherwise) Giving or seeking aid from another when not permitted by the instructor Possessing or using unauthorized materials during the test Buying, using, stealing, transporting, or soliciting a test, draft of a test, or answer key Spring
What is Scholastic Dishonesty? (cont.) Plagiarism Using someone else's work in your assignment without appropriate acknowledgement Making slight variations in the language and then failing to give credit to the source Collusion Without authorization, collaborating with another when preparing an assignment Spring
Possible Consequences University policy: Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the University. Since dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. Spring
About UTA – Quick facts! Over 180 degree programs in 12 different schools and colleges 81 Bachelor’s, 70 Master’s, 30 Doctoral Current enrollment: 33,806 students Up 35% in five years Approximately 2200 faculty Facilities span 400 acres and over 100 buildings Past 3 years: over $300 million in campus construction projects Spring
UTA College of Engineering: Quick Facts Established: 1960 Programs: 9 baccalaureate, 13 master’s and 9 doctoral Bioengineering Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Classification: Research/High Activity Spring
UTA College of Engineering: Quick Facts Research Expenditures: >$37 million annually Facilities: Over 400,000 sq. ft. in 12 buildings and research centers Includes 2010 addition of 234,000 sq. ft. Engineering Research Building Optical Medical Imaging Center at UT Southwestern Automation & Robotics Research Institute Nanotechnology Research & Teaching Facility Spring
About CSE and the College of Engineering: Quick Facts Spring 2013 Enrollment CoE – 3997 total 2557 Bachelor’s 1094 Master’s 326 Doctoral CSE – 897 total 572 Bachelor’s 267 Master’s 58 Doctoral Spring
CSE Website Where? What? CSE news and events Advising hours Faculty contact information CSE research information Spring
20 Other Resources Grad School Website – New & Current Students: Graduate Catalog Grad School Forms and Info Lots of other useful information! UTA faculty and staff will use your UTA account as the default for all announcements and general correspondence Spring 2013
21 CSE Research Areas Algorithms Bioinformatics Computer Vision Database and Information Technology Embedded Systems High Performance Computing Homeland Security Spring 2013 Intelligent Systems Information Security Multimedia and Video Processing Mobile and Pervasive Computing Networking Software Engineering
CSE 5194 Assignment Identify and critique a Master’s thesis in a CS/Computer Engineering/Software Engineering area of interest to you. UTA CSE thesis (preferred) Other accredited U.S. university (acceptable) Your two-page critique is due on or before 4/15/2013. Submit via to Handwritten submissions will not be accepted. Spring
CSE 5194 Assignment Your report must provide, at a minimum, you’re the following information: Identification: Author, Supervising Faculty, Title etc. Classification: What narrow part of computer science is addressed? Effort: How much effort/creativity appears to have been expended? Experimentation: What experimental data and/or supporting materials were developed to support the thesis? Contribution: What are the most notable results? Bibliography: What are the author’s key references? Opinions: What do you think about the research? Spring
CSE 5194 Assignment the author and title of the thesis you have selected to by Thesis papers are available in UTA central library and can be searched at Spring
25 CSE Degree Options MS CpE (Computer Engineering) Must have Undergraduate degree in Engineering Requires specialization is Systems/Architecture MS CS (Computer Science) Exact same degree program as MS CpE, except Systems/Architecture Specialization is not required MSFWE (Master of Software Engineering) Curriculum pre-dominantly Software Engineering *MS CS and CpE have Thesis and Non-Thesis options available Spring 2013
CSE Master’s Degree Programs: General Admission Requirements Completed a 4-year Bachelor’s degree program in a science/engineering field Obtained an overall GPA of 3.0 3.2 in final 60 hours Good performance in foundation coursework GRE General Test (waived for Link Cohort) 145 Verbal 155 Quantitative 3.0 (nominal) Writing Spring
CSE Master’s Degree Programs: Foundation Course Requirements Computer Science: C/C++ Programming (CSE 1320) Computer Organization/Computer Architecture (CSE 2312). Discrete Structures (CSE 2315) Theoretical Computer Science (CSE 3315) Algorithms & Data Structures (CSE 2320) Operating Systems (CSE 3320) Mathematics: Calculus I (MATH 1426) Calculus II (MATH 2325) Linear Algebra (MATH 3330) Probability and Statistics (MATH 3313/IE 3301) Spring
Spring MS Software Engineering: 37 hours Orientation Seminar (5194) Foundation course: CSE 5311 4 SwEng Core courses: 5324, 5325, CSE 5328 and CSE 5329 2 Specified SwEng Courses from: CSE 5326, 5320, 6324, and 6329/6392 5 Electives, including three from CSE
Spring MS Software Engineering (for Link Cohort): 37 hours Orientation Seminar (5194) Foundation Course: CSE 5311, Advanced Algorithms 4 SwEng Core Courses: CSE 5324, Software Engineering: Analysis, Design, Testing CSE 5325, Software Engineering: Management, Maintenance and Quality Assurance CSE 5328 and CSE 5329: Software Team Project
Spring MS Software Engineering (for Link Cohort): 37 hours 2 Specified SwEng Courses: CSE 5326, Real-time Software Design CSE 6329/6392, Advanced Special Topics in Software Engineering (Planned as Distributed Computing) 5 Specified “Electives”: IE 5351, Systems Engineering CSE 5321, Software Testing CSE 5322, Software Design Patterns CSE 5344, Computer Networks CSE 5365, Computer Graphics
Spring Planned Course Schedule
Degree Requirements – Link Cohort Unconditional admission status I.e., ALL Provisional/Probationary conditions have been satisfied Complete and pass the CSE MS Orientation Seminar CSE A final grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4.0) in all graduate work attempted at UTA Spring
Degree Requirements – Link Cohort A final grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4.0) in all graduate work in your Masters of Software Engineering degree plan. Degree plan cannot include any course for which the final grade was D or F. Note: these grades will show on your transcript and will count in your overall GPA calculation Spring
Advising for Link Cohort Students Advisor: Mike O’Dell Office: 631 ERB Office hours: varies each semester. Posted on (preferred approach for general Phone: Can schedule occasional sessions onsite at Link in special circumstances Can be available, by appointment, at hours other than standard office hours Spring
Course Enrollment – Link Cohort You can register yourself via MyMav once registration is open for a given semester (see Graduate Calendar)Graduate Calendar Link Cohort Courses will all have section number 033 (e.g. CSE ) I will verify enrollment for the appropriate course(s) each semester and register anyone not enrolled about 10 days before the semester begins. Spring