UNION EUROPÉENNE DES MÉDECINS SPÉCIALISTES EUROPEAN UNION OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS U.E.M.S. ORL Section and Board RATIO OF ENT-SPECIALISTS TO POPULATION WITHIN EU-COUNTRIES – and selected non-EU-countries 2012– (data of 2011) Chairman Manpower and Trainees Exchange Programme Dr. Med. Hans-Werner Mollenhauer Facharzt für HNO – plastische Operationen Kirchberg 12, Birkenhördt Tel (0) / Fax 0049 (0) / Internet: ( )
Inhabitants (Mill.) ENT-SpecialistsENT/InhabitantsTraineesEducation- Centers Austria : (+ 6 Teilermächtig..) Belgium : Denmark : Finland : /755/15 France : Germany : /628* Greece : (32 full/31 partiell) Italy : Ireland : Luxembourg : Netherlands : Portugal : Spain : Sweden : United Kingdom SAS* 200= 924 1: : * SAS = Staff Associate Specialists; doctors mainly out of Pakistan and India, who never completed the training but work as ENT-doctors in the UK.
Inhabitants (Mill.) ENT-SpecialistsENT/InhabitantsTraineesEducation- Centers Cyprus : Czech Republic : Estonia : Hungary : Latvia : Lithuania : Malta (2 retired) 1: Poland : Slovakia : Slovenia : Inhabitants (Mill.) ENT-SpecialistsENT/InhabitantsTraineesEducation- Centers Bulgaria : Rumania : █ = 2011 ( The data of Bulgaria is until now not updated; these numbers are from 2007/2008. )
InhabitantsENT-SpecialistsENT/InhabitantsTraineesEducation- Centers EU 6 (1957) : EU 15 ( ) : EU 25 (2004) : B 10-Countries (2004) : EU-Countries Bulgaria & Rumania (2007) : EU-Countries : Non-EU-Countries Croatia : Norway : Russia : Switzerland : Turkey : Serbia : Eritrea :1.76 Mill.