DNA DNA contains information of genetic make up and is often used to solve cases. The information of DNA made public may lead to genetic discrimination.
GPS Able to track the position of a person holding a GPS device. GPS devices have a expanded to cell phones and cars.
Cell Phones Nearly everyone has a cell phone. Cell phones contain personal contact information and personal messages to other people which can be hacked and made public.
License Plates Contain information of the car and its owner. Information of license plates can be tracked by police.
Social Networks They require personal information that can be accessed by the public if not handled correctly.
EZ Pass Can determine when a person uses an EZ pass when that person uses a toll and can determine relative locations of a person.
Credit Cards Contains personal information and holds hard earned money that can easily be stolen. It can also be used to track when it has been used and where.
Traffic Cameras Are used to spot traffic violations and to also track people in certain locations if needed.
Finger prints Finger prints are used notoriously for processing inmates and for helping detectives solve cases. Anything that a person touches leaves a mark across locations that person has been.
Gym Membership IDs Gym membership ID’s hold personal information. The time and place when a person uses a gym can be tracked by when the person goes in to the gym with the gym ID card.