19. 10. 2007Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 1 ECCE Standing Committee Knowledge & Technology WORKING PROGRAM 2008-2009 Draft 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 1 ECCE Standing Committee Knowledge & Technology WORKING PROGRAM Draft 2 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Asko Sarja

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 2 Objectives of SC-K&T To promote RTD (Research & Technology Development in CE Community To inform the CE community about recent developments concerning the profession To reflect RTD needs of the profession to the decision making bodies

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 3 Activities of SC K&T To encourage and promote research and innovative technology development in the European civil engineering community; To follow the developments in civil engineering research and practice over the entire world by going through the related literature; To inform the ECCE members and the European civil engineering community about the recently developed innovative technologies concerning issues such as: –Design and construction methods; –Maintenance, repair and strengthening techniques; –Monitoring and control methodologies (employing information/communication technologies) for civil engineering systems and structures; –Current engineering problems etc.

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 4 To gather and disseminate information about ongoing civil engineering research and innovative technology development activities over the world; To gather and disseminate information concerning research and innovative technology development supporting organisations (especially FP7) –and their funding conditions, rules and requirements; To reflect research needs and requirements of the profession –stemming from the civil engineering practice to the research performers such as universities and research institutes and to the research funding and guiding agencies; To participate in the activities of the European associations such as ECCREDI, ECTP etc. – concerning civil engineering research and innovative technology development. Activities of SC K&T - continued

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 5 Available Tools 1. Towards informing the European civil engineering community –The ECCE web page –ECCE publications –Symposia, workshops and seminars A one-day technical seminar day preceding the two-day ECCE General Assembly meetings. A symposium can be organised to discuss an important theme including a few sub-themes, which are included in the Task Forces of the ongoing Working Program of SC K&T. A workshop or a short course can be organised to discuss a specific subject –with the civil engineers of the hosting country or –a few international experts to inform them about an interesting development in the civil engineering area. ECCE can contribute as co-organiser in symposia, which are related to the actual task forces or general interest of ECCE community.

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 6 2. Towards reflecting the RTD needs of the profession to the decision making bodies: Surveys / questionnaires / interviews sending out questionnaires through the internet. communication is the use of the ECCE web to collect information on research needs from the institutions and some leading civil engineers themselves. Investigation concerning the extent of implementation of Eurocodes and difficulties encountered in their application. Position papers Reports to be sent to research performing agencies and research funding organisations or Position papers to be presented to the decision making bodies ( an example of these would be the result of Task Force 2: “Condition survey of European infrastructure”, which is presented below). Lobbying Available Tools

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 7 Possible Task Forces Task Force 1: Investigation and follow up of the development of European knowledge and technology in civil engineering –Subtask 1.1 Survey on R&D at European level Task Force 2: Survey on new technologies on advanced civil engineering materials Task Force 3: Condition Survey of European infrastructure Task Force 4. Technologies and Concepts of Low Energy Buildings Task Force 5. Earthquake Engineering

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 8 Remarks on proposed Task Forces The number of task forces listed above is high We must consider carefully, how many of these we can handle parallel in the tears The final selection of the task forces to be included in the Working Program will be made on the base of –discussions in the SC K&T and Executive Committee of ECCE in Athens on October, 2007, and –after having the results of the invitation of members and supporting organisations at the end of the year 2007.

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 9 An Important Notice All members of SC K&T and ECCE Executive Board are kindly asked: –to consider participating personally in the Task Forces, which are relevant to each expertise –to contact colleagues in universities, research institutes and practice, inviting them to members or chairs of the Task Forces –to contact the National Associations of Civil Engineers, asking them to identify active participants and serving other support in form of information, financial resources etc. for these Task Forces

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 10 Task Force 1: Investigation and follow up of the development of European knowledge and technology in civil engineering Task 1.1: Survey on R&D at European level: –Chair: Dr. Georges Pilot, France –Members: To be identified and elected basing on general invitation and nominations of ECCE member organisations –Dr. Pilot will have a presentation on this in this meeting Results of the Task Force 1 The results on a specific Internet Website of SC K&T Reports in International ECCE Symposium 2009: "EUROINFRA: Current State and Challenges for Sustainable Development of the European Infrastructure

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 11 Chair: To be identified and elected Members: To be identified and elected basing on general invitation and nominations of ECCE member organisations Status of Task Force 2 Chair and interest in memberships to be identified Task Force 2: Survey on new technologies on advanced civil engineering materials

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 12 Possible objects to be investigated and graded: –Bridges, Roads & Transit –Railways –Dams & Levees –Aviation –Inland Waterways –Schools –Buildings: Offices, commercial centres, apartment buildings –Case studies of failing infrastructure Task Force 3: Condition Survey of European Infrastructure

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 13 Results of the Task Force 3: Condition Report Cards, which include –a grading and description of general condition of different types of infrastructures, and –an estimate of financing, which is needed for repair and rehabilitation of the systems and facilities. For politicians and administrative organisations and other relevant groups will be give recommendations –on the capacity of our infrastructure to support the national economies and European co-operation –the age and residual service life of the systems and –possible methods to finance improvements in different types of infrastructures. Task Force 3: Condition Survey of European Infrastructure

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 14 Tasks of Task Force 3: 1.Define the detailed organisation and working program of the Task Force 2.Define the co-operation between national Civil Engineering Associations for carrying out the surveys in each participating country 3.Define the systematic methodology and structure of the survey 4.Define the systematic way of reporting the results (Condition Grading Cards and Conclusions) 1.nationally in each country 2.for entire EU 5.Define the procedures for informing on results 1.nationally in each country 2.for entire EU 6.Carry out the co-ordinated work in the participating countries under leadership of each national Association Civil Engineers. 7.Collect the national results and make conclusions on the current condition of buildings and infrastructures in EU, as well as evaluations and predictions on funding needs for repair and rehabilitation works in long term. Task Force 3: Condition Survey of European Infrastructure

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 15 Organisation of Task Force 3: Time schedule –Tasks 1-5: years –Tasks 6-7: year 2009 Working Group –Chair: To be elected by RIL (Finnish Association of Civil Engineers), Finland –Members: To be identified and elected basing on general invitation and nominations of ECCE member organisations –Task Groups: The work can be divided to a number of task groups in each country under leadership of each national Association of Civil Engineers and in each type of infrastructure Task Force 3: Condition Survey of European Infrastructure Status of Task Force 2: Responsible organisation: RIL (Finnish Association of Civil Engineers) OK RIL, in co-operation with SC K&T will continue the development of this Task Force

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 16 Heating and cooling of buildings builds a major share (around 30 %) of the total energy consumption in Europe. This means also about the same share of CO2 production. The potential is highest and most economic in case of new buildings Applied concepts for renovation of old buildings There is a huge gap between the requirements of lifetime energy economy of current norms and standards and the techno-economic optimum of energy economy. There have been developed already during last 15 years really economic low energy building concepts, with the increase of construction costs with 2 to 4 % only, although the constructed buildings have been quite few and thus some kinds of prototypes. This means that the pay-back time is already with current energy prices between 4 and 10 years. This existing technology is scattered in several countries of Europe Effective efforts are needed for collecting this knowledge, a for distributing this knowledge and technology into everyday practice of civil engineers. This is a field, where ECCE can do important contribution. Task Force 4: Technologies and Concepts of Low Energy Buildings Background

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 17 Objectives of Task Force 4: To collect European technologies, knowledge, and experiences of low energy building concepts with high lifetime economy, and To develop on this base “European Guidelines for design and construction of economic Low Energy Buildings”. These Guidelines would be first used in voluntary principle, but later introduced into EU-codes and CEN-standards. Task Force 4: Technologies and Concepts of Low Energy Buildings Background

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 18 Tasks of the Task Force 4: Define detailed work program Collect existing knowledge on low energy buildings (building concepts, experimental buildings, existing low energy buildings in use) Systemise and classify the grades of energy consumption (e. g. classes A to D) on the low energy level, which means the annual consumption between 20 and 50% of current standard level. Select suited building concepts for multi-storey apartment buildings and one family houses Describe central design and techno-economic calculation methods for the use of the designers and contractors. Create European Guidelines for Low Energy Buildings, including some different solutions for different areas of Europe. Inform national and EU bodies on these Guidelines in specific national and European seminars and in ordinary international conferences. Participate in organising an International ECCE Symposium 2009: "EUROINFRA: Current State and Challenges for Sustainable Development of the European Infrastructure". Task Force 4: Technologies and Concepts of Low Energy Buildings Background

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 19 Results of the Task Force 4: “European Guidelines for Low Energy Buildings”, including: functional specifications for energy consumption descriptions of building concepts: –Building concept is a repeatable and documented way of design and construction, which can result in individual buildings with an optimised and classified lifetime quality. energy technical specifications for the structural modules and components of building envelop technical specifications for related building service systems: ventilation, heat recovery Reports in International ECCE Symposium 2009: "EUROINFRA: Current State and Challenges for Sustainable Development of the European Infrastructure" Task Force 4: Technologies and Concepts of Low Energy Buildings Background

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 20 Organisation of the Task Force 4: Time schedule: –Tasks 1…5 in the years –Tasks in the year 2009 Organisation –Working group, consisting of –Chairman: To be identified and elected –Members: To be elected basing on general invitation and nominations of ECCE member organisations –Task groups, which will be defined in the detailed work program Task Force 4: Technologies and Concepts of Low Energy Buildings Background

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 21 Task Force 5: Life Cycle Design and Condition Management of Buildings and Infrastructures The lifetime design and management can also be called with a unified term: “Life Cycle Engineering” or “Lifetime Engineering”. Main phases of the life cycle are: –Lifetime revenue and investment planning –Lifetime design –Lifetime procurement and construction –Lifetime management, maintenance, retrofitting and modernisation –End-of-Life Management: selective demolition, reuse, recycling, wasting

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 22 Moving into lifetime technology means that –all processes must be renewed –new methodologies and calculation methods must be adopted, e.g., from mathematics, physics, systems engineering, environmental science/engineering and other natural and engineering sciences. The European Sixth Framework Program of “GROWTH” included as an objective the development of lifetime engineering. –The proposer of this Task Force, Prof. Asko Sarja, was co-ordinating three actions in this field: –The research Project: “Life Cycle Management of Concrete Infrastructures” and –the Thematic Network: “Lifetime Engineering”, and –the Project Cluster “Lifetime Engineering”. –Results of these works can be found on the websites: and : these results can serve as a starting point of this task force. Task Force 5: Life Cycle Design and Condition Management of Buildings and Infrastructures

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 23 Objectives of the Task Force 5: to promote the development and practical applications of lifetime engineering as a tool towards sustainable building and civil engineering. Collecting and systemising current knowledge on: –the principles, –processes, –methodologies, –methods and practical examples of all phases of lifetime engineering – from European and worldwide R&D results, norms and standards and practices. Task Force 5: Life Cycle Design and Condition Management of Buildings and Infrastructures

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 24 Tasks of the Task Force 5: Collecting the members and supporting organisations of the task force with the help of SC K&T and European national Associations of Civil Engineers. Detailed definition and planning of the work Survey on current state of the art knowledge on lifetime engineering in research and practice, using results of the Sixth Framework Program “GROWTH “ of EU as a base Collecting additional information, knowledge and practical applications on lifetime engineering from the members of this task force, and from supporting organisations of ECCE A report on state of the art and future visions of lifetime engineering in Europe and worldwide Informing the results in each Annual Meeting of ECCE Participating in planning and contributing in a conference in this issue in co-operation with “IALCCE- International Association of Life Cycle Engineering”: Participating in planning and contributing the International ECCE Symposium 2009: "EUROINFRA: Current State and Challenges for Sustainable Development of the European Infrastructure" Task Force 5: Life Cycle Design and Condition Management of Buildings and Infrastructures

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 25 Results of the Task Force 5: Annual reports in ECCE Executive Board Meetings Conference reports and articles in international professional magazines Updated information on the work and results on ECCE Website Final Report: “State of the art and future visions of lifetime engineering in Europe and worldwide” Reports in International ECCE Symposium 2009: "EUROINFRA: Current State and Challenges for Sustainable Development of the European Infrastructure" Organisation of the Task Force 5: Chair: Prof. Asko Sarja, Finland Members: To be identified and elected basing on general invitation and nominations of ECCE member organisations Task Force 5: Life Cycle Design and Condition Management of Buildings and Infrastructures

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 26 Task Force 6: ECCE Symposium 2009: "EUROINFRA: Current State and Challenges for Sustainable Development of the European Infrastructure" Joint Symposium of Task Forces to be organised in 2009 in Finland, in co-operation between Task Forces 1-4 and under co-ordination of ECCE SC “Knowledge and Technology”. Themes of the symposium: Condition survey of European infrastructure Life Cycle Design and Condition Management of buildings and infrastructures Technologies and concepts of Low Energy Buildings

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 27 Task Force 7: Earthquake Engineering Earthquake is a critical issue in southern Europe. Civil engineering is the most effective component of earthquake risk mitigation. Informing the civil engineering community about the recent advances in seismic design, assessment and strengthening technologies is an appropriate field of activity for the SC-Knowledge & Technology. Objectives of the Task Force 7: Within the scope of the “informing the CE community about recent developments concerning the profession” objective of the SC-Knowledge & Technology, this task force will organise a joint conference on “Earthquake & Tsunami” in collaboration with the World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE) and the Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers (TCCE).

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 28 Tasks of the Task Force 7: The main duty of the task force is to contribute to the organisation of the conference titled “Earthquake & Tsunami - Civil Engineering Disaster Mitigation Activities Implementing Millennium Development Goals” to be held on June 2009 in Istanbul, Turkey. Detailed information is given in the First Circular attached. Results of the Task Force 7: Successful realisation of the conference Organisation of the Task Force 7: Chair: Tugrul Tankut, Turkey Members: Gulay Ozdemir, Turkey, Ibrahim Helvaci, Turkey ECCE Representative in the International Advisory Board (to be identified) Task Force 7: Earthquake Engineering Status of Task Force 7: Plan is OK Will be started immediately

Standing Committee "Knowledge & Technology" - Asko SARJA 29 Summary of the Task Forces Task Force 1: Investigation and follow up of the development of European knowledge and technology in civil engineering OK! –Already ongoing-first results existing-slides to be on CD-ROM Task Force 2: Survey on New Technologies on Advanced Civil Engineering Materials !!! –Chair and interest to be identified; Time table to be identified Task Force 3: Condition Survey of European Infrastructure OK! –RIL accepted to co-ordinate- Chair and members to be identified –Work plan to be developed in o-operation: SC K&T and RIL Task Force 4: Technologies and Concepts of Low Energy Buildings –Interest, Chair and members to be identified –Timetable to be defined Task Force 5: Life Cycle Design and Condition Management of Buildings and Infrastructures!! –Chair: Asko Sarja –Interest and participants to be identified –Timetable to be defined Task Force 6: ECCE Symposium 2009: "EUROINFRA: Current State and Challenges for Sustainable Development of the European Infrastructure“ OK! Task Force 7. Earthquake Engineering OK!!! –Chair:Tugrul Tankut, Turkey; Members: Gulay Ozdemir, Turkey, Ibrahim Helvaci, Turkey –ECCE Representative in the International Advisory Board (to be identified) –Planning already going on