Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz CH2018 – Meeting Communication Aspects Andreas Fischer,


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Presentation transcript:

Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz CH2018 – Meeting Communication Aspects Andreas Fischer, Mark Liniger CH2018-Meeting, 21 August 2015

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 2 From the brainstorming (Jan 2015) How to make climate scenarios more actionable?

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 3 Agenda  Existing scenario platforms  Examples of guidance and tools  Your experiences  Collecting ideas for CH2018  Next Steps / Organizational Aspects  Varia

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 4 CSIRO

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 5 DRIAS (Météo-France)

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 6 US National Climate Assessment

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 7 Guidance / Help  Help on the website: Decision Tree  Frequently Asked Questions  Recommendations  Glossary  Education (background knowledge)  Tools for Communicators (Videos, ppts)  Offer of face-to-face courses for more help  Overview sites about availability  Guidance on Tools  Guidance on how to read/interpret graphics

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 8 CSIRO: Overview of Tools

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 9 Manual for Tools For each tool …

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 10 Presenting highlights

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 11 Presenting highlights

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 12 CSIRO Tools

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 13 DRIAS (Météo-France)

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 14 US National Climate Assessment

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 15 CSIRO Tools

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 16 US National Climate Assessment  Reduce Complexity

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 17 Detuscher Klimaatlas  Projections linked to observations Klimaatlas (DWD)

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 18 CSIRO Tools

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 19 CSIRO Tools

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 20 CSIRO: Advanced Tools Select impact-relevant variables and define best/worst case (vulnerability)  tool will find you most representative models to be used to drive impact model

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 21 Illustrative Visualizations US National Climate Assessment

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 22 Illustrative Visualizations US National Climate Assessment

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 23 Ideas for CH2018 (1) Interactive Graphics e.g. combine maps of modeled changes with downscaled climatologies at stations for current and future climate

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 24 Ideas for CH2018 (2) Map / Time-Series Explorer Tool Many dimensions (emission scenario, model uncertainty, parameter) already in CH2011..

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 25 Ideas for CH2018 (3) Expert System to retrieve data for particular impact-studies

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 26 Next Steps  Comprehensive review of existing international platforms  visualizations, tools, data-download  involvement of climate impacts  Intern M. Sigel (Sep 2015 – Feb 2016)  Halfday Workshop by EBP «Centred User Design»  Needs of end-users wrt communication aspects  ~Oct 2015  Start with a prototype based on results from market research  cover concrete needs of end-users  successor of H. v. Waldow in spring 2016 (?)

CH2018 | Planung, Andreas Fischer 27 International Workshop  1-2 Days  Climate Scenario Initiatives in other countries /regions  Methodological approach  Integration of user perspective  Link between academia and agencies  User interaction and dissemination  Candidates: KNMI, UKCP, FMI, R. Wilby, …  Candidates for external reviewers?  early 2016 (+ informal meeting at summer school)

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 28

CH2018 | Meeting, Andreas Fischer 29 CSIRO: Download Data