Definition holocaust- (n. Greek holo, “whole”; caustos. “burned”) A great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire Holocaust-The systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II
Problems in Germany Treaty of Versailles (1919) - signed after WWI blamed Germany for causing the war and made them pay heavy reparations ($33 billion) Hyperinflation in Germany (1923) - 4.2 trillion Reichmarks to purchase one US dollar
Rise of Hitler Mein Kampf (my struggle) (1925) - details Hitler’s radical ideas and becomes ideological base for the Nazi party German Nationalism Anti-Semitism And anti-communism Aryans are the superior race 1933- Hitler and the Nazi party come to power
Nuremburg Laws Strict guidelines for determining who was Jewish Deprive Jews of basic civil rights Marriage between Jews and non-Jews illegal Sept 1941- German Jews required to wear a yellow star on their clothing
Kristallnacht (Nov. 9 1938) - night of broken glass Nazi’s destroyed 200 synagogues, 7,000 Jewish businesses, hundreds of Jewish homes First large round up of Jewish men
Ghettos (created 1939) Used to consolidate the population of Jews in Poland Separate walled-off areas of cities Only Jews were allowed in or out People died of disease and starvation Mass deportation of German Jews not until Sept 1941 There were 356 ghettos created by the Nazi’s Warsaw, Lodz, Krakow, Lublin, and Lvov
Killed Jews and communists Einsatzgruppen (1941) - mobile killing squads in Poland and Soviet Union Killed Jews and communists “Final Solution” Jan. 20 1942- plan outlined by Reinhard Heydrich to exterminate entire Jewish population in Europe by using extermination camps (death camps) Camps built in Poland Inmates were stripped of possessions and forced into gas chambers Zyklon B
Concentration camps Built throughout Europe Served as slave labor Worked in factories or mines Long hours and poor nutrition led to many deaths Some served as temporary holding until they were sent to extermination camps Hitler commits suicide on April 30, 1945