Department of Civil Engineering, SOIL NAILING Dr. A.K.Chaudhary Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering, NIT, Jamshedpur
INTRODUCTION Soil nailing is a technique used to reinforce and strengthen existing ground Soil nailing consists of installing closely spaced bars into a slope or excavation as construction proceeds from top down The grouted nails increases shear strength of overall soil mass.
TYPES OF SOIL NAIL Screw anchor soil nail Grouted soil nail
PROCEDURE OF SOIL NAILING Excavate small cut Drill hole for nail Install & grout nail Place drainage strips, initial shotcrete layer & install bearing plates Repeat process to final grade Place final facing on permanent walls
IDEAL CONDITIONS FOR SOIL NAILING Height of excavation Excavation Face Inclination Type of soil Nail length Nail inclination Nail diameter Grouted hole diameter
APPLICATIONS Landslide Remediation Railway embankments Roadway widening under existing bridges Stabilizing of existing retaining walls Highway embankments and cuttings
ADVANTAGES Cost Time Applicable in almost all type of soils Construction equipments Performance Construction flexibility Environmental and aesthetic considerations
LIMITATIONS Temporary stand-up time Excavation below the water level Excavation in soft clay.
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SOIL NAILING AND REINFORCED SOIL Soil properties Method of installing reinforcing elements Construction process Facing Inclination of reinforcing elements
DESIGN STEPS Feasibility Assessment Internal stability External stability
CONCLUSION Soil nailing is a potential solution of landslide problems as it is economical and also applicable in seismic zones. It can solve the problem of residential area up to a great extent. It can be used in wide soil types.
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