Engagement and Marriage Presentation Subtitle
Purpose of Engagement Signifies commitment to marriage and helps define the relationship Planning the wedding is secondary to the real purpose of engagement The true purpose is to allow the couple to address issues that will affect the success of their life together – The couple should think about the realities of everyday married life such as money, friendships, religion, in-laws, and plans for the future
What happens? During engagement: – Identify differences – Learn how to work as a team – Establish new relationships – Seek advice Experts suggest that 6 to 12 months is a good length for engagements
Psychological Issues During Anxiety Maturation Losses Partner choices Gender – role conflict Idealization and disillusionment Marital expectations Self – knowledge
Broken Engagements 1/3 of all engagements end before marriage Reasons include: – Not enough love – Too many differences – Separation – Parental opposition