By J.K. Rowling
We find Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron, back at Hogwarts. They are surrounded by the usual crowd and professors. Harry hopes to have a normal year, focusing on his school work and spells. Away from his Aunt and Uncle, he begins to feel like he belongs and begins to relax. As if that could ever happen!
A student is petrified, and rumors of the Chamber of Secrets begins to spread like wildfire. Harry must once again face his mortal enemy, Voldemort, but this time he meets him as Tom Riddle. Harry must face his fear that he has so much in common with the Dark Lord.
Harry begins hearing voices through the walls of the school, and learns that he can talk to snakes. He learns that not only is this a sign of a “dark wizard,” but that Voldemort could do it too. Harry and Ron meet Moaning Myrtle while Hermione makes the Polyjuice potion so that they can pay a visit to the Slytherin House.
Harry finds a diary that literally sucks him in! He meets Tom Riddle, and is taken back to another time when Hogwarts was held hostage by the monster in the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione is petrified! Ron and Harry are on their own and must figure out how to save their best friend!
Jenny Weasley is taken by the monster to the Chamber of Secrets! Time is of the essence and the boys must save Jenny from not just petrification, but death!
After locating the opening, they force their least favorite professor, Professor Lockhart, to go into the chamber with them! During the descent to the chamber, the tunnel collapses and separates Harry from Ron and Professor Lockhart. Harry must go on alone!!!!
Harry finds the chamber, and there he finds Jenny Weasley unconscious! Tom Riddle shows up, and Harry calls for help. Tom Riddle reveals his true nature and calls for the monster of the chamber. Harry must defeat both the monster and Tom Riddle.
Harry overcomes the monster of the chamber, and in the process is mortally wounded! With his last few breaths he plunges the monsters tooth into the diary and kills Tom Riddle/Voldemort!!! Just before Harry collapses from the poison, Professor Dumbledor’s phoenix arrives and saves Harry!
Harry and Jenny reunite with Ron and Professor Lockhart. They return to the castle and all is revealed! Harry once again is the savior and all of his friends are free again.