Machine Learning Lecture 11 Summary G53MLE | Machine Learning | Dr Guoping Qiu1
Topics Covered G53MLE | Machine Learning | Dr Guoping Qiu2 Topic 1: Introduction Learning and learning systems Design of learning systems - 5 steps approach: training sample collection/preparation, data representation, choose a learning model/paradigm, learning, testing Basic maths – vector, matrix, calculus
Topics Covered G53MLE | Machine Learning | Dr Guoping Qiu3 Topic 2: Neural networks Perceptron – model operation, perceptron learning rule, decision boundary (surface), limitations, linearly separable classes ADLINE – model operation, delta rule (gradient descent learning), batch mode, online mode Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) - model operation, nonlinear unit (sigmoid function), principles of learning rule (back-propagation algorithm), model capability (solve linearly non-separable problems) Generalization, over fitting, stopping criteria
Topics Covered G53MLE | Machine Learning | Dr Guoping Qiu4 Topic 3: Bayesian learning Basic probability theory Bayesian theorem Estimation of probabilities Maximum a posteriori (MAP) Maximum Likelihood (ML) Bayesian classifiers Naïve Bayesian classifier
Topics Covered G53MLE | Machine Learning | Dr Guoping Qiu5 Topic 4: Instance based learning K nearest neighbour classifier (K-NN) – feature space neighbourhood concept, classifier construction and operation, choose a suitable values of K
Topics Covered G53MLE | Machine Learning | Dr Guoping Qiu6 Topic 5: Clustering analysis Basic concept of data clustering and why it is useful How to do data clustering (K-means algorithm) – operation of the algorithm Link between K-means algorithm and gradient descent (the concept of clustering cost function or objective function) Limitations/weaknesses of the basic K-means algorithm – sensitive to initial cluster centres, local minima
Topics Covered G53MLE | Machine Learning | Dr Guoping Qiu7 Topic 6: Data processing and representation Concepts of correlation and redundancy Covariance matrix Concepts of feature extraction/dimensionality reduction Principle and application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Topics Covered G53MLE | Machine Learning | Dr Guoping Qiu8 Topic 7: Support vector machines Model operation (how it works) Support vectors Max margin classifier Linear SVMs Concept of Soft margin classification Principle of Non-linear SVMs and the “Kernel Trick”
Topics Covered G53MLE | Machine Learning | Dr Guoping Qiu9 Topic 8: Decision tree learning Information gain Decision tree construction (design) – picking the root node, recursive branching