Haitian & European Revolutions Industrial Rev Philosophies Industrial Rev Terms ImperialismRandom
A group of people who have a common culture, language, religion, and beliefs, and their own independent government/country.
This is known as “politics of reality” practiced by Otto von Bismarck. It’s the belief in taking a tough and realistic stance on political issues.
He was the leader of the Red Shirts and helped to unify southern Italy.
Giuseppe Garibaldi
He was leader of the Haitian Revolution when it ended. He used the scorched earth policy. He later became leader of an independent Haiti.
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
Identify and describe two causes of the Haitian Revolution.
-Social tension. Friction between whites/affranchis (free people of color)/slaves. -Existence of a brutal system of slavery. Inhumane conditions for the enslaved population resulted in tension, discontent, and revolts (i.e. Makandal’s Revolt). The majority of slaves also remembered what it was like to be free & desired that freedom. -Ideas of the French Revolution (esp. those in the Declaration of the Rights of Man). Discussion of freedom, equality, etc. reached white colonists, free people of color, and slaves. Encouraged all groups to call for equality/change.
Adam Smith believed in this policy of the government leaving the economy alone and letting businesses regulate themselves.
This is the belief that people spend money in order to make money and that the economy is driven by investments. This philosophy is based off the belief in a laissez-faire economy.
Jeremy Bentham came up with the idea that people, businesses, and governments should be judged by their usefulness. The government should do whatever brings the greatest good to the most people.
In this system, the government owns and operates the major industries and natural resources for the benefit of all people.
Define communism.
Communism is an economic philosophy created by Karl Marx. It is the belief that the government should own and operate all businesses and resources, and that the resources should be distributed equally amongst the people.
The movement of people to cities is called ____________.
Groups of workers who unite to negotiate with their bosses.
The process of using machines, factories, and assembly lines to produce goods. A movement away from the cottage industry.
During this time, period farmers started using more effective techniques to produce food such as enclosures and crop rotation.
Agricultural Revolution
What are the three factors of production?
1. Capital (money) 2. Land 3. Labor These are the things you would need to start a business.
What is a sphere of influence?
A sphere of influence is when a foreign country has exclusive trade rights over a certain region/area of another country.
Belgium took over this colony first in Africa. It inspired many other European nations to try to gain colonies in Africa.
What are extraterritorial rights?
Extraterritorial rights are when a foreigner has an exemption from certain laws of a country.
What were two of the major terms of the Treaty of Nanjing?
1. Britain could continue to bring opium into China for trading. 2. British people got extraterritorial rights in China. 3. Britain got control of Hong Kong. Long Term Impact Led to the Open Door Policy and extraterritorial rights for other foreigners.
A. Name one positive AND one negative effect of imperialism for the colonizer. B. Name one positive AND one negative effect of imperialism for the colonized.
A. Pros: Money, raw materials, power, strategic location for military/naval bases, markets for their goods, etc. Cons: Spend money managing the colony, potential clashes with indigenous population, conflict with other imperialist nations over colonial possessions B. Pros (relative): construction of infrastructure (roads, railways, etc.), access to manufactured products produced in Europe, sometimes: peace Cons: Challenge to their culture/practices—colonizers often imposed their ideas/beliefs on the colonized; stripping away of their natural resources; exploitation of native population (labor force, etc.); indigenous industries were stunted; sometimes: conflict
This is the belief that one race is superior (better than) another group or race.
Have pride in what your people/country have in common (religion, ethnicity, language, culture, etc.). Similar to patriotism.
He was a former slave who helped to lead the rebellion in Saint Domingue until he was captured.
Touissant L’Ouverture
What is the Open Door Policy?
The Open Door Policy said China’s “doors must be open to trade from all countries of the world.” Basically, China could not turn any country away from trading and lost economic control over trade.
What were two changes and/or events that occurred in Japan as a result of the Meiji Era?
1. Japan became modernized and industrialized. 2. Japan became an imperial power (Russo-Japanese War & annexation of Korea). 3. Japan shocked the world in their victory against Russia.
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Final Jeopardy Identify and describe three positive and three negative effects of industrialization.