Overview for Wake County Public School System K-5 Teachers
Code of Cooperation Listen Mentally Present Seek to Understand Be Prepared Reflect
Session Objectives 3 By the end of the session, you will be able to: Describe how mCLASS Reading 3D assessment measures correlate with the basic early literacy skills Explain features of mCLASS Reading 3D that will help you meet the needs of your students Identify measures you will be responsible for administering Identify various resources for support ? WhyWhatWhenHow
? WhyWhatWhenHow
Wake County Public School System An Educational Framework
Excellent Public Schools Act § 115C-83.1A. State goal. The goal of the State is to ensure that every student read at or above grade level by the end of third grade and continue to progress in reading proficiency so that he or she can read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for secondary education and career success.
SECTION 1.(e) G.S. 115C (a) reads as rewritten: "(a) Assessment Instruments for Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third Grades. – The State Board of Education shall develop, adopt, and provide to the local school administrative units developmentally appropriate individualized assessment instruments consistent with the Basic Education Program and Part 1A of Article 8 of this Chapter for kindergarten, first, second, and third grades. Local school administrative units shall use these assessment instruments provided to them by the State Board for kindergarten, first, second, and third grade students to assess progress, diagnose difficulties, and to inform instruction and remediation needs. Local school administrative units shall not use standardized tests for summative assessment of kindergarten, first, and second grade students except as required as a condition of receiving federal grants.
mCLASS Reading 3D DIBELS Next FSFPSFNWFDORFDaze Early Literacy Diagnostic (ELD) Text Reading & Comprehension (TRC) Word Recognition (WR)
What is familiar? AIMSwebDIBELS Next Letter Naming Fluency First Sound Fluency Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Nonsense Word Fluency R-CBMDORF MazeDaze (3 rd grade only) Running Record and Retelling High Frequency Word List Text Reading Comprehension (TRC) Word Recognition (WR)
Approved Accommodations See the assessment manual for measure-specific accommodations Enlarged student materials, colored overlays, filters, or lighting adjustments Assistive technology, such as hearing aids and assistive listening devices (ALDs) Markers or rulers to focus student attention
? WhyWhatWhenHow
Let’s Take a Look at the Materials
mCLASS ® :Reading 3D™ Helps Teachers Inform instruction to meet individual needs. Create reading groups. Make effective decisions to meet learning objectives. Monitor student progress.
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mCLASS Reports 17
? WhyWhatWhenHow
Make It Real
Basic Early Literacy Skills Phonemic Awareness Phonics Accurate and Fluent Reading of Connected TextReading ComprehensionVocabulary and Language Skills
Basic Early Literacy Skills Phonemic Awareness First Sound Fluency (FSF) Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF) Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (DORF) Word Recognition (WR) DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (DORF) Text Reading and Comprehension (TRC) Word Recognition (WR) DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Retell (DORF) DIBELS Maze (Daze) Text Reading and Comprehension (TRC) Phonics Accurate and Fluent Reading Vocabulary & Language Skills Comprehension
mCLASS ® :Reading 3D™ Reliable Easy Repeatable Sensitive to Growth and Change AssessmentMeasurement Tool
? WhyWhatWhenHow
? WhyWhatWhenHow
mCLASS ® :Reading 3D™ System Web Reports Mobile Device
Benchmark Summary Screen Tap to begin assessment.
Administration Time
DIBELS ® Composite Score Composite Score
How DIBELS ® Composite Score Is Calculated The mobile device calculates the score automatically. Grade 2, MOYKindergarten, MOY FSF Score + LNF Score + PSF Score + NWF CLS Score = DIBELS ® Composite Score DORF Words Correct + Retell Score (x 2) + DORF Accuracy Percent Value = DIBELS ® Composite Score
Benchmark Goals At or Above Benchmark Below Benchmark DIBELS data are only valuable if we use the information to change outcomes. Odds of Achieving Subsequent Benchmark Goals 80% – 90% Status Odds of Achieving Subsequent Benchmark Goals Next Steps At or Above Benchmark 80% - 90% Student is likely to make adequate progress with effective core instruction. Below Benchmark 40% - 60% Student is likely to need strategic support to make adequate progress. Well Below Benchmark 10% – 20% Student is likely to need intensive support to make adequate progress.
TRC Proficiency Level Reading Level
TRC Benchmark Goals GradesBOY Reading Level Goal(s) MOY Reading Level Goal(s) EOY Reading Level Goal(s) Kindergarten RB to BCD Grade 1 DG to HJ to K Grade 2 J to KLM to N Grade 3 M to NOP to Q
The right kind and quality of instruction delivered with the right level of intensity and duration to the right children at the right time. – Joseph K. Torgesen, Catch Them Before They Fall (1988) Make it Real
Speedboat vs. Oil Tanker You do an intervention with a second grader, you’re changing direction on a speedboat, but when you do an intervention with a fifth grader, you’re changing direction on an oil tanker. –Catherine E. Snow, professor of education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
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Reflection How do the mCLASS Reading 3D Assessment measures correlate with the basic early reading skills? What features of mCLASS Reading 3D will help you meet the needs of your students? What measures are you responsible for administering? What are the various resources that you can access for support?