Public records: federal government Public Accounts Plans / Performance Reports Audits and Evaluations Completed Access to Information Requests
Public Accounts: former Gov. Gen. Adrienne Clarkson’s expenses
Public Accounts: “temporary help services” 009/tpsgc-pwgsc/P pdf
Issue: Mental health, suicide inside federal prison system
Reports on Plans and Priorities / Departmental Performance Reports Federal departments eng.asp eng.asp Correctional Service eng.shtml eng.shtml Departmental Performance Report for Correctional Service eng.shtml eng.shtml
Audits and evaluations Federal departments eng.aspx Correctional Service audits eng.shtml Planned audits eng.shtml
Previously released records
Completed Access to Information Requests: Correctional Service of Canada
Introduction to historical records
Federal cabinet records: eligible for release after 20 years
Meech Lake Accord: cabinet records
Meech Lake cabinet minutes
RCMP Security Service files
Politician Tommy Douglas
RCMP Security Service files date from 1930s
Eavesdropping on Parliament Hill
Exemptions: personal information, detection of subversive activities
In the Federal Court of Canada
The family tree
Kiefer and Tommy
Library and Archives:
In your groups, try to find... A book about a Canadian painter A federal cabinet document relating to Quebec An archival listing concerning immigration A database about unidentified flying objects A photo of a prime minister from the 19th century Library and Archives: