S CHEDULE 8:15-Prepare to Learn 8:30-Math-Tanner/Quashana (Sage-Test) 9:30-Lang. Arts 10:15-Housekeeping 10:30-Science 11:00-History 11:15-Work Hand In/Atom Essay Edit/Autobio. edit 12-12:30-Lunch 1:00-2:00-Study Hall Independent Study
8 TH G RADE I NDEPENDENT S TUDY A SSIGNMENTS T2W10 D UE F EBRUARY 15 Name_______________________ Total Work Complete=___________ Mrssyfert.wikispaces.com Physical Education 5 PE Credits Due March 1 ____P.E Log-320 Minute ____****Water PE Article Grade______________ TW________________
L INEAR /Q UADRATIC, C UBIC Q UIZ Good luck! May redo next week…..
S LOPE Algebra Module
C HAPTER 9 G EOMETRY 9-1, 9-2, 9-5
WEBSITE Go.hrw.com Use code on each lesson from book Example: mt8ca 2-9
M ATH - Through (All Students) ____Do go.hrw.com for lessons 10-1, 10-2 and 7-6 Parent Signature_________________________________ ____Chapter 7 Lesson 6 Questions 3,4,5,6,9,10, 11,12, 20 ____Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Questions-all ____Chapter 10 Lesson 2 Questions 1,2,5,6,7,9,10, 11,12, 13 ____Workbook 10-1 and 10-2 (No Circle Problems) ____Algebra Module Slope Page 9 and 10-#1 only Grade___________ TW_______________ Into (Below Grade Level or getting D/F) _______Timed Multiplication Practice Activity
8 TH G RADE A MERICAN H ISTORY T2-W EEK 10 Objectives: Students will…. (Lang.) Summarize what effect the reformers had on America Describe how the Abolition Movement caused tensions between the North and South Describe what the Wilmot Proviso is/was Describe what the Compromise of 1850 was Master all objectives from Chapter 14
R EFORMERS Q UIZ (W RITE ENTIRE SENTENCE !) 1. ____helped reform schools 2. ____worked on the abolitionist movement. 3. ____worked to move slaves on the Underground Railroad. 4. ____worked towards wormen’s rights to vote. 5. List one more reformer and what they were trying to reform. ________________ A. Harriet Tubman B. Frederick Douglas C. Stanton D. Horace Mann
C HAPTER 15- Growing Tensions California=Trouble Powerpoint Compromise of 1850 Quiz next Week! North VS South See Map
R ESEARCH P APER Notecards…………Outline I. Introduction/Thesis Paragraph (G) II. Tribe Background (Y) III. Indian Removal Act (Y) IV. Effect of Act on Tribe (Y) V. Tribe Today (Y) VI. Conclusion (G) 1. Sources on plain side Notes on lined side
D UE N EXT WEEK ! At least 5 notes on each lined side of cards II, III, IV, and V Sources on the back Must have at least 1 book… so bring to class by Tuesday
Into/Through (All Students) ____Read Ch. 14 Lesson 3 Pg Take Cornell Notes WEEKLY. ____Do 15- Questions Pg. 461 ____Chapter 14 Assessment Pg. 448 (Terms and Names/Review Q’s) ____Reading Guide Pgs (Pgs Extra Credit?) ____Complete 2 paragraphs of Indian Report. (Indian Report Due March 1.) Study for Ch. 14 Test 4 Hours Community Service Due March 1 Grade_______ TW______________ Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit) Do a Cause/Effect Map based on one of the reformers from Chapter 14 Powerpoint of Reformers
H OUSEKEEPING Stamp Grading Headings Note Check Attendance Drawing 4 Day Week! Happy Valentines Day! Sub Next Week! Water PE Article
8 TH G RADE P HYSICAL S CIENCE T2-W EEK 10 Objectives: Students will…. understand how chemistry applies to the human body Know what makes up Proteins, Fats, Enzymes, and Nucleic Acids Master standards for Chapters 8-11
R EACTION J IGSAW Tree Map…Merry Go Round??? Worksheet 11.1 What do these formulas look like?
B IOLOGICAL M OLECULES T REE M AP Headings…. Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Nucleic Acids
J UST SO YOU KNOW …. Test Make Up Acid Rain See Beyond…. Powerpoint…or Poster Benchmark in 2 Weeks! Note Check today Start reviewing 8, 9, 10
C HAPTER 10 T EST ! Good job Derrick!
B ENCHMARK NEXT W EEK Vocab Matrix See my hints! Brainpops 1. PH 2. Periodic Table 3. Atomic Model 4. Crystals 5. Isotopes
Into/Through (All Students) ____Read Ch. 11 Lesson 2. Take Cornell Notes WEEKLY ____Questions Pg. 235 ____Living System Support Tree Map ____Benchmark Review Vocab Matrix ____5 Brainpops-printed or ed (Matter and Chemistry) PH Scale/Periodic Table/Atomic Model/Crystals/Isotopes Study for Benchmark Test (Ch. 8-11) Grade__________ TW__________ Beyond-Do a poster or Powerpoint about Acid Rain
8 TH G RADE L ANGUAGE A RTS T2-W EEK 10 Objectives: Students will…. understand how to correctly capitalize Proper Nouns Compare and contrast Consumer Documents Use techniques to gain information from Consumer Documents
R EDO S YMBOLISM P OSTER Requirements: 1.Illustration 2.Definition of symbolism 3.Paragraph telling how Poe used symbolism 4.Title/Heading
N OT HAPPY WITH T ELL T ALE H EART T EST ? Old Man and the Sea… Book Report… 1.Summary-1 Page Typed 2.Ernest Hemmingway Biography-1/2 Page Typed 3.Symbolism Analysis-1/2 Page 4.Watch movie Monday at 11:00
C HAPTER 6-C OMPARING C ONSUMER M ATERIALS Pg. 692 Advertisement Contract Instruction Manual PPT
D OCUMENTS This week… Advertisement Contract Instruction Manual Warranty Next Week…
W ARRINERS H ANDBOOK Pg. 288 Proper Nouns
S UPER B OWL Propaganda Techniques Nostalgia Bandwagon Fantasy/Transfer Humor Sense Appeal Statistics Testimonial Superbowl-ads.com m
I NTO (S TRATEGIC S TUDENTS ) ____I NTERACTIVE R EADER A CTIVITIES FOR THIS WEEK ’ S STORY ____F LUENCY B UILDER A CTIVITIES (3 PER WEEK ADMINISTERED BY P ARENT ) Through (All Students) ____*Read “Comparing Consumer Materials” Pg Do Reader Writer Notebook. ____Standards Review Pg. 699 ____Standards Review Pg. 705 ____Interactive Reader Pgs ____Read Warriners Handbook Pgs Do Exercise 2. ____Finish Propaganda Worksheet *Study for Using Info Test (Review Pg. 676…etc.) Grade__________ TW__________ Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit) Bring an example of “Consumer Materials”
S AVE A PET -C ANCELLED ! Next week! DSMS 9:00 Need to arrange transportation 2 hours Community Service… Let’s do part of packet
T ESTING /C ONFERENCE T IME Tests Science Ch.10 To Do…. Hand in work Arrange Parent Conferences
M ATH O BJECTIVES : S TUDENTS W ILL : -A DD AND S UBTRACT WITH UNLIKE DENOMINATORS - A DD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY AND DIVIDE FRACTIONS - Through (All Students) ____go.hrw.com Lessons __________ __________________Parent Signature ____Ch. ___ Lesson ___ ____Fractions Packet (as marked) ____Homework Practice Workbook Lessons _____ Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit) ____Do go.hrw.com lesson 1-9. Do Guided Practice for lesson 6 with 100%. Grade_____________ TW_______________ Into (Below Grade Level or getting D/F) _______Timed Multiplication Practice Activity
R ELATIVE C HARACTERIZATION A SSIGNMENT Describe a relative in detail Use “character traits” not physical descriptions Describe what you admire about them Describe what “motivates” them
C H. 10 L ESSON 2-PPT PH Balance PPT
B ENCHMARK T EST Science Benchmark